The Lamanites _____ _____ against us. (very first thing said in the video)
The Lamanites cannot stand against us.
Who was the main character in the video?
Have miracles ceased because Christ ascended into heaven after his earthly ministry?
In what city was Christ born?
By their ____ ye shall know them, for if their ____ be good, then they are good also.
What color were the main character's cloths?
What is the office of their (angels) ministry?
To call men (and woman) to repentance
When the angel appeared to the shepherds, the angel said:
"Fear not: for, behold, I bring you ____ ______ of _____ ___, which shall be to all people. "
Good Tidings, Great Joy
A Man, being ______, cannot do that which is good.
What does it mean to have real intent?
Doing the right things for the right reasons.
If a man have Faith he must needs have what?
Which Caesar was ruling in Rome at the time of Jesus's birth?
Caesar Augustus
The _____ __ _____ is given to everyone that they may know good from evil.
Spirit of Christ
What three Christlike attributes did Mormon teach about in this video?
Faith, Hope, and Charity.
Rear Moroni 7:47. What does this scripture teach us? What does it mean to be "possessed" of charity?
Compelled to action by Christlike love.
How did the shepherds respond when the angels first appeared to them?
They were sore afraid
A man, being a ______ __ ___ ____, cannot follow Christ. And if he follow Christ, he cannot be a _____ __ ___ _____.
Servant of the devil
All good things cometh of God, and that which is Evil, cometh of the Devil. What does this mean for you?
Self Answer
What are the five parts of "the gospel of Jesus Christ?"
1. _ A _ _ _
2. _ _ P _ _ T _ _ _ _
3. B _ _ _ _ _ _
4. ___________________________________
5. _ _ D _ _ _ _ O _ _ _ _ N _
Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, Endure to the End
What does Christ's birth mean to you? Why was it important that he came to earth?
Self Answer