Which dictionary took the longest time to be compiled?
What is a morpheme?
The smallest meaningful unit
In the sentence "She is taller than her brother" which word contains inflectional morpheme, and what is its function?
tall+er (comparison)
suggest a word with three derivational morphemes
unhappiness, untouchable
What is etymology?
trace the origin and historical development of words, providing insights into their evolution.
How many morphemes should there be in one word?
At least 1
True or False
In the following sentence there is a word with two inflectional morphemes "She is the happiest person in the world"
False: Happy+est (one inf morpheme)
make up a word with a following structure: free morp+der morph+inf mor+der morph
How do we name the dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms?
How many vowel sounds should there be in a morpheme?
It doesn't matter
Give example to a morpheme that may perform various grammatical functions
-s (person, number, possessive form)
Give examples to the derivation of adjectives from nouns using suffix -ly
friendly, lovely
Distinctive features of learner's dictionaries
Simplified definitions
Grammar notes
Divide the word "written" into morphemes
True or false:
In the following sentence you can find examples to two types of inflectional morphemes.
"She left the books on the table"
Give examples to derivation of nouns from other nouns using suffix -ful
joyful, powerful
First American Dictionary with different spelling and meaning of some words compared to British dictionaries
Noah Webster's Dictionary (published in 1828
Find the root morpheme(s) in "snowman"
snow+man (Both are root morphemes)
In the following sentences find examples to contextual and inherent inflextion
The dog runs faster.
These dogs run faster.
dog runs, these dogs
Give examples to derivation of nouns from other nouns using suffix ism
Heroism, humanism