What is the meaning of the prefix mis-, such as in mistake, misuse?
What does the prefix -logy or -ology mean?
The study of
What does the root "photo" mean?
What does the adage "The grass is always greener on the other side" mean?
Things seem better when you see someone else do or get it even though maybe they aren't
What rhyme scheme is the following:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the kings men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
What is the meaning of the prefix inter, such as interact?
What is a word that end in the suffix -ment, which means "action" or "process"
excitement, payment, comment, garment
What does the root "graph" mean (think autograph, paragraph)?
Adage or pun: A bicycle can't stand on its own because it's too tired.
Pun - "too tired" double meaning
Why would a poet use repetition in a poem, such as:
the wind blew, blew, blew
What is the meaning of the prefix de, such as decrease?
This suffix means "having the nature of". It is a three letter suffix that starts with -i__. It can be attached to these words: adapt, alternate, declare, effect. What suffix is it?
What Morpheme means earth?
What does the adage "the early bird gets the worm" mean?
What is the difference between a simile, metaphor, and personification?
Simile- comparing two unlike things using "like" or "as"
Metaphor- not using like or as
Personification -giving human characteristics to non-human things
What is the meaning of the prefixes sub and super?
below and above
-ous, -eous, -ious means "possessing the qualities of". Therefore, what does humorous mean?
possessing the qualities of humor--being funny
Scribe or script means what? Give two examples
description, scribe, inscription
Adage or pun: It was an emotional wedding. Even the cake was in tiers. Explain why it is funny.
Pun- tiers / tears
What is a paragraph in poetry called (one section)?
A stanza
Tell me two prefixes that mean not or opposite of
dis, non, in, ir, il, im-, un
Suffix- end of word attached to a root
Root- main word
Prefix- attached at the beginning to a root
Match the words to the meanings:
1) auto, 2) dict, 3) vis/vid, 4) meter
A) measure, B) self, C) see, D) say
1) auto B) self
2) dict D) say
3) vis/vid C) see
4) meter A) measure
Explain to us the difference between an adage and a pun.
An adage is a saying. A pun is a bad dad joke.
What is alliteration, assonance, and onomatopoeia?
Alliteration- repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of a word
Assonance- repetition of vowel sounds at the beginning of a word
Onomatopoeia- sound-words "bam" "smack"