Tent and Tend
What is free
What does the morpheme "tens" mean?
What is to stretch or strain
Is the word "mis" a prefix or suffix
What is Prefix
How many morphemes are in the word station
What is Two: stat-ion
Morpheme "tens"
What is bound?
means "to or towards"
What is "ad-"
able, and ible are both prefixes or suffixes
What is Suffixes
How many morphemes are in the word reflection
What is three: re-flect-ion
Morpheme "vis and vid"
What is bound?
The morpheme "stat, sist, stit" means....
What is "to stand"?
What is the meaning of the suffixes ion, tion, ation, ition
What is the act of, process of, state of
How many morphemes are in the word extend
What is two: ex-tend
Morphemes can be 1 of three parts of a word
What is Prefix, root, suffix?
Is morpheme "mis-" free, True or False?
What is False
The morpheme "con-" means...
What is "with, together"?
Is "ad-" a prefix or suffix and what is the meaning
What is Prefix - means to, towards.
How many morphemes are in the word misgiving
What is Three: mis-giv(e)-ing
What is True?
The morpheme "vid, vis" means
What is "to see"?
Again or repeat is the meaning of what prefix
What is "re-"
How many morphemes are in the word rewindable
What is Four: re-wind-able