Definitions (what they mean?)
Choose the correct answer
Sentence Time!
Can you name another?

What do the morphemes "trac" or "tract" mean?

to pull, drag, or draw


Which morpheme means to pull or drag something in a certain direction? TRAC, SOLV, or CIV?



What does "pasture" mean in this sentence? 

Sheep, horses, and chickens graze in the pasture.

Land on a farm covered with grass, suitable for animals that graze


Trac/tract means to pull or drag. For example, "retract" means to draw something back. Can you think of another word that has "track" or "tract" in it?

*Hint: it relates to mathematical terms

Subtract, redact, protract, distract, attract, contract, extract


What does the prefix "inter" mean? 


Example: International (between two countries)


What do the morphemes "trud"/"trus" mean?

To push, to thrust in a direction


Which morpheme means to shepherd something as in to herd, steer, or lead a certain direction? VER or PAST/PASTOR?



What does the word "civilized" mean in this sentence? 

Civilized people follow the rules of society and are polite and educated. 

Civilized people follow the rules and responsibilities that all others follow, use manners, and are polite


Trud/trus means to push or forcefully shove. For example, "protrude" means to stick out or jut forward and ahead into an area Can you think of another word that has "trud" or "trus" in it?

*Hint: it has to do with invading someone's space and can be the name of a stranger entering a place they do not belong

Intrude (to push one's way into a space), intrusive (not welcome), obtrusive (noticeable) or unobtrusive (not noticeable)


What does the prefix "di," "dis," "dif" mean?

Di- two, twice, double, example: carbon DIoxide (element made from 1 carbon atom and 2 hydrogen atoms)

Can also mean apart or not, opposite of

Example: dislike, distrust

What do the morphemes "past" or "pastor" mean?
to shepherd (to guide or steer a certain direction)

What morpheme means to free or loosen? TRUD/TRUS OR SOLV/SOLUT?



What does the word "verify" mean in this sentence? I verified my hypothesis after the science experiment was over. 

To see that something is true or the truth, this person's guess about the experiment was correct


Solv/solut means to loosen or free. For example, "resolve" means to settle or solve a problem. Can you think of another word that has "solv" or "solut" in it?

*Hint: it is a mixture you learn about in science class where a solid loosens into a liquid, also an answer that loosens a question

Solution (a mixture of a solid that has been loosened or dissolved into a liquid), solve, solvent, soluble, resolution, absolute


What does the prefix "dia" mean?

Through, across, throughout


- diameter (measurement across a circle)

- diagnosis (a medical condition throughout your whole body)

- dialogue (a speaking across two people)


What does the morpheme "greg" mean?

A flock (or group)


What morpheme means true/to see the truth? CIV or VER?

VER (which is the Spanish word for "to see")


What does the word "constrained" mean in this sentence? 

The small cage constrained the animal in the zoo by keeping it in place and limiting its movement. 

To be restricted in movement, the cage kept the animal from moving freely : (


Greg means to flock or group. For example, "integrate" means to combine or merge into a group. Can you think of another word that has "greg" in it?

*Hint: it has to do with civil rights and slavery when people were separated based on their color/racial backgrounds

Segregate, segregation ( to separate groups from each other, keep them apart), gregarious (sociable and outgoing in a group of people), congregate (people hanging around together in a group or community, could be a church congregation)


What does the prefix "ad" mean?

To, towards 

Example: adjust (to tilt towards)


What do the morphemes "solv" and "solut" mean?

*Hint: what words do these morphemes look like?

To free, loosen


Which morpheme means to push or thrust (forcefully shove)? TRUD/TRUST or FALLS/FALS?



What does the word "protrude" mean in this sentence? Before I had braces, my two front teeth stuck out so much that I had to see an orthodontist to help correct the position of my teeth.

The person's teeth stuck out so much they needed help from the orthodontist to get braces to correct their teeth and align them


Civ/cit/civil means citizen (someone who follows rules of a society of people) or city. For example, "civics" is the study of citizens and their responsibilities in the world. Can you think of another word that has "civ/cit/civil" in it?

*Hint: no hint!

citizen (a person who lives in a country), civil court, civilian (not a military person), civilized (educated, follows rules and behaves in a good manner), civil war, civil rights, citadel (fortress overlooking an inhabited area.. a small city)


What does the prefix "epi" mean?

UPON/ON, at, by, near, over, on top of

Example: epicenter (the central point of something)

-epidemic (widespread disease that comes upon people)
