What's Cooking?
Dog Gone Them Dogs
41.1292° N, 85.8805° W
It's All Relative
Pot Pourrie
Although almost ALL of the women and men are great cooks...he is the only member of the family to own a restaurant.
Who is Don Carter?
Dogs are certainly man's best fried. Aside from lounging by Bub and Donna's pool, name 1 of 2 things our family dogs have been used for.
What is hunting and what is service/therapy dogs?
It doesn't take long to get from this Akron to Claypool, but most routes take you past this famous landmark that was not owned by the family but has many good stories about it.
What is Lowman's Corner?
Also, a character on Scooby-Doo this was one of Grandma Morris' sisters.
What is Aunt Thelma?
Name four of the Arts that member of our family have enjoyed.
What are singing, dancing, acting, drawing?
From French origin - A small, soft, log-shaped pastry filled with cream and typically topped with chocolate icing
What is a chocolate eclair? (And Liz's famous recipe)
This breed of dog has a reputation for being mean. Neither of the three that have been in our family were mean...to their owners at least?
What is a Doberman Pincher?
Most of us remember the loud noises and foul smells from the one on Highway 15 but there was actually one similar to this in Claypool.
What is Claypool Sale Barn?
Most of Grandma and Grandpa Morris's offspring stayed in Indiana but some did not...name 5 states that relatives currently live in?
What are Washington, Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee?
Two family members advanced Warsaw Basketball to the Final Four in 1982. But this college team won the NCAA tournament in 1982.
What is North Carolina?
This member of the family makes excellent food. One of the recipes prepared by this person has a specific # of ingredients and it's in the name of the dish.
What is 15?
Family members don't want their dogs to get lonely while their away, this is show that one person leaves on for their dog's to enjoy throughout the day.
What is Animal Planet?
A place where Dick, Bub, Rick, Dale and Dean all a "ball". 2024 W 700 S
What is Claypool Elementary?
There aren't many business left in Claypool but name 4 types of business that were there in the 1970s.
What are funeral home, gas station, bank, post office, grocery store?
Quote - "That's isn't high enough!"
What is Bub's famous saying when playing bid euchre?
Morning, noon and night, this food and entertainment is available all hours of the day.
What is Donna's B&B?
Currently, this breed of dog seems to outnumber all other breeds of dog in the family.
What is Golden Retriever?
These two family members were royalty at the same time.
Renea and Dean - Claypool Cutie Queen and King
This person doesn't walk on water but is the closest that we've probably seen do it.
Who is Valerie?
This can be used to refer to any part of the deer, so long as it can be consumed, including the flesh and internal organs. Venison, much like beef, is categorized into specific cuts, including roast, sirloin, and ribs.
What is backstrap?
Two dogs in the family had the same name but did not live at the same house.
What is Sam?
Name this town just outside of Claypool. 41.1164° N, 85.7975° W
What is Packerton, IN? Don's favorite.
Number of direct decedents with spouse and children of Grandma and Grandpa Morris?
What is 77?
Familiar to us all - A herbaceous plant or small shrub of a genus that comprises the cranesbills and their relatives. Bear a long narrow fruit that is said to be shaped like the bill of a crane.
What is a geranium?