Using Heroin even once will make you develop this reliance or constant need for it.
What is addiction?
Taking too much heroin, mixing heroin with other drugs that have negative interactions, or using heroin laced with other dangerous drugs can cause this (potentially fatal)
What is an overdose?
What is 20%?
What is one way that Heroin is administered
What is smoking, injecting, or snorting/sniffing?
name of symptoms experienced by a Heroin addict when deprived from Heroin
What are Withdrawls?
Heroin will cause tiredness and drowsiness potentially causing you to do this
What is fall asleep/pass out?
What percent of fatal overdoses is heroin involved?
What is 40% (within 10% for correct answer)
Heroin's classification of drug
What is an Opioid?
Incredibly deadly synthetic opioid commonly found in low-quality Heroin
What is Fentanyl?
This causes smaller doses of Heroin to no longer give the same potency of effect, causing some users to take more at a time.
What is tolerance?
Discomfort in the stomach causing an urge to vomit
What is Nausea?
The amount of people who died of a Heroin overdose in 2022 in the U.S.
What is 13,000? (within 5,000 for correct answer)
Legal drugs with a similar effect to Heroin are prescribed as this
What is any of the following:
A disorder from continued use of Heroin or other drugs that amplifies addiction symptoms
What is heartbeat/breathing/reaction time/thinking?
The age group that uses the most Heroin in the united states
What is 18-25 years old? (must guess within this range for correct answer)
Protiens in the body that react to Heroin and other drugs of its type
What are Opioid Receptors?
All methods of administering heroin are equally addictive despite the common misconception that snorting/sniffing is safer
Heroin can cause this irreversible symptom causing symptoms such as headaches, seizures, poor judgement, difficulty speaking, lack of coordination, and losses of consciousness.
What is brain damage?
a feeling or state of intense numbness and happiness caused by Heroin
What is Euphoria/a rush?
In 2021, how many people reported using Heroin in the last 12 months in the US?
What country produces the most Heroin yearly? (Hint: central Asian country bordering Iran and Pakistan)
The plant Heroin is derived from (hint: it is a flower)
Opium Poppy