Baby Moses' was hidden by his mother in the banks of this river.
The Israelites sere enslaved here for many years.
God gave Moses this many Commandments.
God first called out to Moses from this, telling him to go to Pharaoh and bring His people out of Egypt
burning bush
Moses' brother who helped lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
Moses' mother made this out of papyrus and put baby Moses in it before placing it among the reeds in the river bank.
a basket
The Israelites wandered the dessert in search of this land.
the Promised Land/Israel/Canaan
God sent this many plagues to Pharaoh to convince him to release the Israelites
To feed the Hebrews, God promised this food would rain from heaven.
God called this person to lead his people out of Egypt.
The king of Egypt ordered people with this occupation, including Shiphrah and Puah, to kill any newborn Hebrew babies that they helped deliver.
Moses stretched out of his over this body of water, and the water parted so the Israelites could flee.
the Red Sea
Moses was this age when he died.
For meat for the Hebrews to eat in the evening, God sent these animals.
Moses's great-grandfather, or the Tribe of Israel that he belonged to.
The person who found the baby Moses in the river, had this relationship to pharaoh.
Pharaoh's daughter
God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on this mountain.
Mount Sinai
The number of years that the Hebrews were enslaved.
What did Moses' rod turn into when God commanded him to throw it to the ground?
a serpent
Moses's wife
A Young Moses killed an Egyptian for this reason.
He saw him beating a Hebrew
After killing a slave owner, Moses fled here.
There were this many tribes of Israel.
Moses struck this object to make water flow.
a rock
Moses's son