Moses' life was threatened by WHO when he wanted to kill all the babies
Pharaoh (King of Egypt)
Who threatened Jesus' life?
King Herod
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven
NEW- Beatitude
Before the coming of Christ, the Scriptures taught God’s people to look forward to a
prophet like ______________________
who would lead a new ____________
In the video from Last week, what characters were telling the story of the Good Friday
How did Moses' Mom save him?
Where did Jesus live growing up?
You shall not bear false Witness against your neighbor
Old- 10 commandments
Jesus reminded us of Moses when he went up on a mountain to teach his disciples in Matthew 5–7. This extended teaching is known as the_______________
Sermon on the Mount
In Last Year's VBS who did Jesus (Hawkins) wash the foot of
How many days did Moses Fast for on Mount Sinai
40 days and 40 nights
40 days and 40 nights
Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and love thy neighbor as yourself
NEW- New commandment/great
In the New Covenant that God foretold through the prophet Jeremiah, where would his law be written?
Upon the hearts of God's People
Who is Lily's friend that came to help with the video
Delivered the Old Law from God from where?
Mount Sinai
What is the new law Jesus taught?
The New commandment and Beatitudes
Sermon on the Mount
The grace of the Holy Spirit that is given to us by God through faith in Christ and the sacraments is known as the ______
New Law
HOw did he feed the hungry isrealites in the desert?
Manna from Heaven
How did he feed the 5,000?
When he multipled 5 loaves and 2 fish
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill.
NEW Beatitude
At the Last Supper, Jesus echoed the words of Moses at Mount Sinai when he used what words?
Blood of the Covenant
Tower of Babel