Dear Old State
Ye Olde Fantasy
Dead Language

This famous ice cream company was started by Penn State students.

What is Tom and Jerry's?


This 1964 film depicted the end of the world as caused by bureaucratic idiocy.

What is "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb"?


This is the name of the language J. R. R. Tolkien came up with for his famous series, Lord of the Rings.

What is Elvish?


English doesn't have noun cases anymore--but this part of speech still maintains cases.

What are pronouns?

In the first-person singular, 'I' is nominative, 'me/mine' is genitive, and dative and accusative both use 'me'. Old English offered four different options, and even included third person neuter singular pronouns (equivalent of 'it' 'its')


This is the name of the main character in 1984.

Who is Winston?


This is the number of majors offered by Penn State. Error of +/- 5.

What is 275? (Anywhere from 270-280 accepted)


A personalized version of this vital construction of post-apocalyptic survival was first built in 1959.

What is a bomb shelter?


This is the name of the island that Gulliver lands in Gulliver's Travels.

What is Lilliput? 

The people are called 'Lilliputians', and this word is sustained today in English to mean something very small. Lilliputians were only six inches tall, hence the continued use of the term.


This was the name of the original writing style used for Old English.

What are runes?

Writing Latinized came about later. The first Old English was runic.


This work originated the premise of a utopia, although the official term "utopia" was not coined until the 1600s by Sir Thomas More.

What was Plato's Republic?


Penn State gained this epithet during the Great Depression.

What is the Happy Valley?


The word for "apocalypse" is derived from this language, from a word that means "revelation" or "an uncovering".

What is Greek? (The word in question is apokalypsis, derived from apo (meaning 'after') and kalupto (meaning 'to cover' or 'to conceal'). Calypto in The Odyssey is also derived from the word kalupto.


This is considered the first work of fantasy in the English language, written around 750 CE.

What was Beowulf?


These five letters did not exist in Old English Latin alphabet, but rather came about later. (Credit will be given if one can be named)

What are J, Q, V, W, Z?

The term "utopia" originated in Greek, meaning either "no place" or "good place". What does dystopia translate to in Greek?

What is "bad place"?


These two steel tycoons had a rivalry when constructing two Penn State buildings, both of which bear their last names.

Who were Andrew Carnegie and Charles Schwab?


As of the 1970s, this nationality of children believed that nuclear warfare was likely in their lives.

What are American children?

As opposed to Soviet children, American children were more likely to believe nuclear warfare to be eminent.


Fantasy as a genre can be traced back to this ancient poet, who featured fantastical elements of gods, magic, and other mythical beings in his work.

Who was Homer?


Middle English started to originate after this historical event of 1066.

What was the Norman Conquest?


Contary to popular belief, Alduous Huxley's 'Brave New World' actually isn't a dystopia--rather, it falls into this other adjacent classification.

What is an anti-utopia?


This was Penn State's original mascot.

What is Old Coaly? What is a mule?


Apocalypse is a literary genre which originated within this religious community.

What is Judaism? 

While Judaism originated the apocalypse genre, both Christianity and Islam have apocalypse stories. Notably, these aren't necessarily the end of the world (unless they're apocalypse eschatology), but rather feature some form of divine revelation.


This famous character never appeared in the original versions of the Arthurian Legend until he was later added by author Chrétien de Troyes.

Who was Lancelot?


How many runes did Old English initially have? (plus or minus 4)

What is 24? (Anywhere from 20-28 accepted)


This Beatles song can be considered a hope for a utopia.

What is Imagine?
