This is the amount of normal fluid in the pericardial space
This is the EOAI criteria for moderate PPM in patient undergo AVR
This is the range of pre op FEV1 that requires an exercise stress test to evaluate perioperative risk
The definition of a solitary pulmonary nodule
30mm or less, surrounded by aerated lung, no atelectasis/adenopathy/effusion
Define type 2 hiatal hernia
True paraesophageal hernia, rare, migration of gastric fundus alongside a normal, intra-abdominal GEJ.
What is the Sieverts Classification for a bicuspid valve with 1 raphe?
Type 1
This is the mortality of untreated post ischemic VSD in 1 month
Define the criteria for diagnosing atypical carcinoid tumor of the lung
• Necrotic architectural disruption
Define the location of N2 pulmonary lymph nodes
Above the aortic arch & below the superior margin of innominate vein
The average length of the trachea
At this temperature oxygen requirement is less in a fibrillating heart comparing to a beating non working one
This is the proximal and distal margin for radial artery harvesting
Proximal: radial recurrent artery. Distal: superficial palmar artery
This is the recommended next step in management for a Lung-RADS score 3
• Lung-RADS score 4B: very suspicious => PET/CT or bx
This is the blood supplies to the cervical trachea
Inferior thyroid artery & its tracheoesophgeal branches
During work up for NSCLC resection, which stage needs neuro imaging?
Stage II
Most common malignant cardiac tumor
For patient with suspected post infarct VSD underwent RHC, this is the diagnostic criteria
Step up in oxygenation between RA & PA of > 9%
Describe the finding of the National Lung Screening Trial in 2011
Low dose helical CT reduces cancer death up to 20x compared to CXR
For NSCLC, which 3 structures when invaded by the primary tumor is considered a contraindication for resection?
Central PA, aorta, atria
In obstructive airway dz, what value is considered reversible after albuterol test?
Increase in FVC or FEV1 by 12% & 200cc
This is the primary goal and result of the SHOCK trial
Compare 30 days mortality of pts with acute MI in cardiogenic shock randomized to revascularization vs. medical therapy => no differrences
What is the main conclusion of the ROOBY trial (Randomized On/Off Bypass)
Patients undergoing off-pump CABG had worse composite outcomes and graft patencies at 1 year.
This is the mean doubling time for solid lung cancer tumor
5 months
What structures are in the middle compartment of the thoracic inlet?
All the scalene mm., phrenic n., brachial plexus, subclavian artery
What tumor markers does SCLC express?