what is her real name
Mary G. Harris
when did the industrial revolution start
what is the connotation of treacherous in paragraph 4
What was the first brain rot word
What is Skibidi
how many children did she have
why did new reporters not care that kids were getting killed
the factory owners owned part of the new
what is the connotation of prosperity in paragraph 11
Finish the lyrics "I'm in the..."
What is "thick of it and everybody kn"ows
what was her job
dress maker
where did children work in the early 1900's
mine's and industry
what is the connotations of appealed in paragraph 20
How old is Link in breath off the wild
what is 117 yrs old
where did she emigrate from
where did kids get their fingers get ripped of the most
what is the connotation of declared in paragraph 22
stated loudly
how depressed am I
What is Very
how old was she when she lead the march
(hint the march was in 1903)
how much did kids get paid a week
what is the connotation of stock in paragraph 6
What is Josh Hutcherson's Best selling movie
What is the kids are alright