To stay off the Roller Coaster Means:
a. emotionally stable
b. loves to ride
c. emotionally unstable
emotionally stable
She ________ disciples her kids (Proverbs 22:6
True or False.
Every mom gets frustrated or loses her cool
True or False.
Good mom goes at it alone
True or false
Godly mothers understanding their individual needs and the unique gifts God has given her kids
Because a godly mom is _____ in her faith (Psalm 26:12
A godly mom loves the Lord with all her ______________________(Mark 12:30
heart, soul, mind, and strength
A faithful mom has the God-given gift of _______ (1 Peter 5:6-7).
_______ with other believers is never easy, but it’s essential for Christ-followers.
Godly mothers assume the ______ about others (Proverbs 17:9; Psalm 101:5
Her____________keeps her stable and strong (Psalm 40:2)
foundation of faith
She depends on God’s ________ and _______ (Psalm 121:1-3, 27:11), rather than her own.
love and power
_______ helps her apologize to her children and spouse when she gets it wrong and extend herself a little grace as well.
She makes _______ and ______(Proverbs 28:13) with other believers a regular part of her life.
authenticity, confession
A godly mom knows her words have the power to _____ and _______ her family and those around her (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
tear down or build up
She disciplines her children out of ______ and not ______ (Hebrews 12:11
love and not anger
She puts time in _______ and in prayer first.
God’s Word
______, _____ and _____ may be common struggles, but they rob her of joy (Romans 8:1, 3:23; Philippians 4:6-7
Guilt, perfectionism, and anxiety
Faithful moms know they need friends (Romans 12:10) who will speak_______ (2 Timothy 3:16)
She does her best to honor the Lord in her conversations, _______ (James 1:26)
avoid gossip
She can set boundaries and make parenting decisions based on________
And on good days and bad, as she pursues the Lord, she ___________ (1 Corinthians 11:1).
leads her children by example
She’s been ________ much, so she loves much (Luke 7:47
Faithful moms know they need friends (Romans 12:10) who will speak truth (2 Timothy 3:16), correct, pray for, and of course,__________
encourage one another.
She views her role not only as a _____ of her children’s lives, but also as an opportunity to live out the ______ in her community, in her church, and in the relationships she builds with others every day.
steward........ gospel