Mother Trivia
Mothers in Movies/TV
Mother Lyrics/Quotes
Mother ___
The Holiday

One of the most famous Mother's of all time, this woman was given the name "Blessed Mother of Calcutta" by Pope John Paul II.

Who is Mother Teresa?


A woman with (3) daughters marries a widower with (3) sons.

Who is Carol Brady? "The Brady Bunch" (Florence Henderson)


This woman: "went to her cupboard, to get her poor doggie a bone. When she got there, the cupboard was bare, So the poor little doggie had none."

Who is Old Mother Hubbard?


This mother term is a personification that focuses on the life-giving properties of weather.

What is Mother Nature?


It’s a day when we celebrate our moms.

What is Mother's Day?


These are the official flowers of Mother's Day (Color and type).

What are Red Carnations?


In this 2000 movie based on a true story, Julia Roberts plays a single mother of 3 who fights against the energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) for dumping illegal waste and poisoning hundreds of it's town's inhabitants.

Who is Erin Brockovich?


Perhaps one of the most famous songs about mothers, The Shirelles in 1961 sang a chorus that won't get out of your head. Mama's advice was right.

What is "Mama Said"?


This group of mother activists raised awareness against DUI's and driving under the influence.

What is "Mother's Against Drunk Driving" (MADD)?


The country that started Mother’s Day.

What is the United States?


In the Bible, she is credited with being "The Mother of All the Living"

Who is Eve?


In this heartwarming film, Susan Sarandon plays a terminally-ill mom who teaches the new woman in ex-husband's life how to be a good to her kids.

What is "Stepmom"?


Elvis Presley released this ballad in 1969 in remembrance of his mother Gladys who passed away 11 years earlier. 

What is "Mama Liked the Roses"?


Children's game and polite question

What is "Mother May I?"


Mother’s Day is always on this day.

What is the second Sunday in May?


This type of animal is one of the few species in the world where the male is responsible for carrying the eggs in his pouch until they are born.

What is a seahorse?


In this ground-breaking 1983 comedy, Michael Keaton plays a stay-at-home dad, with Teri Garr as his wife.

What is Mr. Mom?


Fictional author of many children's nursery rhymes including "hush-a-bye baby, on the tree top, when the wind blows, the cradle will rock".

 Who is Mother Goose?


Iridescent layer of material that forms the shell lining of many mollusks, including clams and oysters. This layer is widely used as an inlay in jewelry, furniture and musical instruments.

What is Mother of Pearl?


The year that began the official celebration of Mother's Day.

What is 1914?


This famous mother created the Mother's Day International Association to honor the sacrifices mothers make for their children and to promote peace and reconciliation in the aftermath of the Civil War.

Who is Anna Jarvis?


The most well-known animated mother of all time, with her scratchy voice and big hair. She is loving, thoughtful, and patient with all members of her family.

Who is Marge Simpson? (Julie Kayner) 

"The Simpsons"


This rocker's "Simple Man" was released in 1973 and was a beautiful ballad that celebrates all that a mother teaches a child.

Who is Lynyrd Skynyrd?


A woman who is the head of a convent,often used as a form of address.

What is Mother Superior?


The President who established the holiday stated it is a chance to "publicly express our love and reverence for the mothers of our country.”

Who is Woodrow Wilson?
