what was the name of the imaginary kitchen role mom would play+ what was the theme song
Kelly's Dinner
bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum (banjo noise)
whenever Eloise comes for a sleepover what does meemaw usually end up getting for her
Mickey D's
meemaw harvested what drug when she was younger
in the channel 8 broadcast featuring large machinery what does momma say "these are some..."
what place did meemaw go with mom for the first time
Disney world
meemaw's name for all of the babies
name each including carrie's
Carrie- tiny
carly- buttercup
paige- pumpkin
holden- buddy bear
eloise- sugar baby
in home videos what regarding Holden and meemaw do we think is the funniest thing to watch
the way meemaw holds Holden- no head support he just there
when looking at Seton Hill from the sidelines what was mom's gut reaction
"man that's a lot of girls, doesn't that look like a lot of girls, a lot more than the other team"
what do meemaw and mom have in common for past field trip experiences
they both lost kids
what is one countdown mom always is thinking about
days until CHRISTMASSSS szn
what does mom and meemaw always do together for special occasions
go to fancy tea party place
At what restaurant did mom and Carly get hit on and where was it at
what thing did mom always do with Paige and Carly before tucking them in?
read Gigi's Bible study book
what did meemaw not let mom redo when she was little
The make your own sock doll
what schools did mom visit between Carly and Paige besides the ones that Carly went to...
Duquesne, Bloom, St. Francis, Hofstra, Susquehannah, Auburn, Belmont
whose friend and what friend did mom yell at over facetime
Gabrielle Kamborgolous from LCHS and carly's friend
when in the car with Carly what did meemaw do trying to be helpful but hurt her
plucked a hair thinking it was a loose hair
meemaws favorite Carly line that never fails to make her laugh is "all good in the..."
what did mom open that she regretted opening
Paige's rejection letter to Penn state
TSA stopped mom for what
the 10000000 granola bar bombs she had shoved into her carry on
During JA biztown teachers approached mom and said to relay what message to Carly
To stop shopping and actually work- the whole purpose of the trip
when bobo was growing up what did mom hate the most
feeling like she's shrinking, and when he cut off his curls
before carly totaled the first bug what did motha instinctively ask Carly for
when in the car with some of paige's friend what comment did mom make about the neighborhood that led to an awky moment
shamed neighbors for still having Christmas lights up when the girl in the car still had hers up
what funny memory did meemaw do with Carly when she was a freshman in high school at Lititz Springs
she went down the windy slide