Models and Graphs
Problems with Words
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An object is said to be doing this if its position is changing.

What is moving?


A particle model represents an object as this.

What is a dot/particle?


You start 50m ahead of a starting line and move back to 20m ahead of the starting line. Your displacement is this.

What is -30m?


This is the unit for displacement and position.

What is meters? (Any distance accepted)


This Saint is known for his work on Moloka'i, such as improving water and food supplies, building orphanages, and countless other acts of service. 

Who is St. Damien?


This is represented as an arrow; it has both direction and magnitude. (oh yeah!!)

What is a vector?


On a coordinate system, this point is where all variables equal zero.

What is the origin?


A rocket is set up to launch from 10m above the ground. It launches with an average velocity upwards of 200m/s. This is where it will be after 5 seconds of launch time. 

What is 1010m upwards?


This is the unit for velocity.

What is meters per second? (Any distance over time is accepted)


This is the tallest building/free-standing structure on Earth.

What is the Burj Khalifa?


This is defined as speed with direction.

What is velocity?


This is the type of relationship two variables have if they both change the same amount between any two equal intervals.

What is a linear relationship?


A racecar has a velocity of 30m/s West.  Over 8 seconds, it speeds up by 9m/s2. It's final velocity is this. 

What is 102 m/s West?


The unit for acceleration is this.

What is meters per second per second? (Any distance over time over time is accepted)


In Newton's later years in life, he became obsessed with this field of science involving the transmutation of elements into other elements- now considered an occult science or magic!

What is alchemy?


The difference between two points in time is known as this.

What is a (time) interval?


Finding the slope of a position-time graph gives this, and finding the slope of a velocity-time graph gives this.

What is velocity and acceleration?


A bowling ball is dropped from the top of Merdeka 118, which is 679 meters tall. Assuming no air resistance, this is it's final velocity right when it hits the ground. 

What is about 115 m/s downwards?


Dimensional analysis is the practice of doing this.

What is treating units like they are variables/performing arithmetic on units?


This culture of people are credited by historians as the inventors of the foundation for the English alphabet- and other alphabets too! 

Who are the Phoenicians?


This is what you get when you sum many quantities and divide by their count, or when you find the difference of something's final and initial values over a time interval.

What is an average?


The area of an acceleration graph is this.

What is a change in velocity?


The gravitational constant on Jupiter's surface is 24.79 m/s2 downwards. If you could survive there and drop a penny off of a 318m tall building, this would be its final velocity.

What is about 126m/s downwards?


This is how many millimeters fit in a kilometer. 

How many is 1,000,000?


This word has a meaning in physics and in computer science, either meaning "a point in spacetime with infinite density like at the center of a black hole," or "the potential moment at which AI and technology becomes so advanced that humanity is permanently changed."

What is a singularity?
