This is the shortest distance between 2 points
What is displacement
This is the formula for speed
What is S = d/t?
These are two metric units for distance
What are meter and kilometer?
This is distance divided by time.
What is speed?
What is 1m/s2?
This is how far an object moves
What is distance?
This is the formula for time?
What is t = d/s?
These are two metric units for speed
What are m/s and km/hr?
This means "an event that happens in a given amount of time"
What is 10m/s?
This is how long a trip takes
This is the formula for distance
D = st
These are two metric units for acceleration
What are m/s2 and km/hr/s?
This is a mathematical sentence
What is a formula?
What is 2.5km/hr/s?
This graph describes a straight horizontal line
No motion
This is speed with direction
What is velocity?
This is the definition for acceleration
What is a change in speed/velocity and/or a change in direction?
This is changing speed.
What is acceleration?
What is 2km/s2?
This graph shows a half of a U shape
What is acceleration?
This is speed at any given moment.
What is instantaneous speed?
Read this out loud: 500km/hr/s
What is 500 kilometers per hour per second?
This means slowing down.
What is deceleration?
0km/s/10 min
What is 0 speed, no movement?