More Forces
Graphs and Math
The location of an object is called its ____________.
What is position?
This scientist discovered how forces and motion are related.
Who is Sir Isaac Newton.
This is what makes motion and change possible.
What is energy?
This force pulls objects toward Earth.
What is gravity?
See graph #1: If all the ships reached their destination at the same time, which ship traveled the slowest?
What is ship #4?
Since Earth is usually our _______________, the sun appears to move in the sky.
What is frame of reference?
While sitting in the car, your mom steps on the brake to avoid a squirrel in the middle of the road. Although the car has stopped, your body continues to move. This tendency to resist a change in the state of motion is called this.
What is inertia.
A yo-yo in a person's hand has this kind of energy.
What is potential?
True or False: The less massive an object, the more gravity it exerts.
What is false?
If an object travels 20 meters in 10 seconds, what is its speed?
What is 2 meters per second?
To calculate speed, divide _____________by time spent moving.
What is distance traveled?
This is the push or pull on an object to make it move, slow down or change direction.
What is force?
True or False: A marble rolling down the ramp is an example of kinetic energy.
What is true?
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to walk the moon. What change did they notice since the moon's gravity was weaker?
Their weight decreased.
A cheetah is the fastest land animal. It can travel 70 mph in short bursts. If the cheetah were able to maintain this speed, how far a distance will the cheetah have traveled in 30 minutes?
What is 35 miles?
Your car travels at a constant speed of 30 mph. As you drive around a curvy mountain, you maintain your speed, but your direction changes. This change in direction is called _______.
What is velocity?
You're playing baseball with friends. You hit the ball with the bat and it goes over the fence, lands on the ground, and rolls to a stop. What force causes the ball to stop moving?
What is friction?
Give an example how energy can change form.
Answer will vary.
Remember the marble roll lab? The marble rolled about 12 inches per second. What could you do to the ramp to increase the amount of friction and change the speed of the marble?
Answers will vary.
Graph #2: Which of these statements is true about the bike's motion? a. its speed decreased b. it had a constant speed of 10 meters per second c. it had a constant speed of 40 meters per second d. its speed increased.
What is b?
You are on a roller coaster moving up the ramp at a constant speed of 5 mph. Once you reach the top, your direction and speed will change as the coaster moves down the ramp. This change in speed is called__________.
True or False: An object will keep moving if there is no friction to slow it down or stop it.
What is true?
You are asked to kick a golf ball and a bowling ball with the same amount of force. Compared to the heavier bowling ball, how will the golf ball move? a. faster, but shorter distance b. faster and farther distance c. slower and shorter distance d. slower, but farther distance
What is b?
This is done when a force is used to move an object a certain distance.
What is work?
An athlete swims the 100 meter freestyle at a swim meet. Look at Graph #3 to answer the question: Which of these best describes the speed of the swimmer at 5 seconds? a. it is greater than the speed at 1 second. b. it is less than the speed at 1 second. c. it is the same as the speed at 1 second. d. the swimmer's speed is 5 m/sec.
What is c?