Newton's Laws
When describing the position of an object compared with your position, objects to your left and behind you are described using THIS kind of number.
A car driving around a corner at 25 miles per hour has THIS type of speed.
What is constant?
THESE are two ways to increase the strength of the gravitational force of attraction between the objects.
What are to decrease the distance between objects and to increase their mass?
Friction is a force that does THIS to the motion of objects or surfaces.
What is resists?
THIS is how to arrange the formula for Newton's Second Law to solve for the mass of an object if you know the force applied to the object and you know the acceleration of the object.
What is m=F/a?
On a distance vs. time graph, constant speed is indicated by this type of line.
What is a straight, sloping line?
THIS is the equation to solve for speed when given the amount of time it takes for an object to travel a set distance.
What is v=d/t?
If the force of gravity exists between all objects, THIS is why you do not notice the force of gravity between you and a friend.
What is at least one of the objects needs to be massive, of the same magnitude of the Earth or the moon in order for the force to be noticeable?
List two ways that friction can be useful.
- Tires and road = direction change
- Soccer cleats and ground = prevents slipping from acceleration
- Nails and wood = keeps pieces fastened together
- Brake pads and brake discs = applies decelerating force to slow down the car
While the moon orbits Earth, its speed is nearly constant but because its direction is not, the moon is doing THIS.
What is accelerating?
The speed of a moving object with no force acting upon it does THIS after some time.
What is it stays the same?
When a starter's gun is fired, a sprinter takes 37 seconds to run 350 meters. THIS is the average speed of the runner.
What is 9.46 meters/second?
Forces are measured in THESE types of units.
What are Newtons?
THIS kind of friction keeps an object at rest from moving.
What is static friction?
Maria rolls a ball down her driveway. If the ball leaves her hand traveling at 3 meters per second and is traveling at 12 meters per second four seconds later, THIS is the acceleration of the ball.
What is 2.25 meters per second squared?
Explain why a car going around a curve at a constant speed of 35 mph DOES NOT have a constant velocity.
The velocity is changing because the direction of the car is changing.
If an object's position moves from 10 meters at 2 seconds to 30 meters at 4 seconds, THIS is the average speed of the object.
What is 10 meters/second?
At Earth's surface, the gravitational constant is THIS.
What is 9.8 Newtons/kilogram?
THIS kind of friction is a force that resists the motion of an object moving across a surface.
What is sliding friction?
An empty wagon rolls easily, but a loaded wagon is more difficult to roll. Using your knowledge of Newton's Second Law, explain why this is so.
Newton's 2nd Law states that F=ma.
An empty wagon has less mass, therefore it takes less force to accelerate.
A loaded wagon has more mass, and requires more force to make it move.
The slope of a line on a position versus time graph tells you THIS about the motion of the object.
What is the object's speed?
When looking at the slopes of two lines (starting from rest) on a speed versus time graph, the faster object will have THIS kind of line.
What is steeper?
Toby, a truck driver, claims that if he were able to drive his twelve-ton truck on the moon, it would require less force to bring it to a stop than on Earth. Is Toby right or wrong? Explain using the words weight, mass, and inertia.
Toby is wrong.
Inertia is a property of matter that resists a change in the motion of an object, and it comes from mass.
Mass is the amount of matter in an object.
Although his truck has a smaller WEIGHT on the moon, its mass is the same.
Microscopic ___________ and ____________ cause friction between seemingly smooth surfaces.
What are hills and valleys?
Brianna starts a lawnmower moving across the yard by applying a force of 75 newtons to the handle of the mower. According to Newton's Third Law, the handle pushes back on Brianna with 75 newtons of force. Why does the mower move if the forces are equal and opposite?
The forces are acting on different objects and do not cancel one another.
The force has a larger effect on the mower because Brianna has a larger mass, which is more difficult to accelerate.
Therefore, the mower is accelerated in the direction that Brianna is pushing.