Analyzing Graphs
Word Problems
Experimental Design
Scott told Danielle how to determine if an object is in motion. He said...
What is "if the distance between the objects is changing"?
The formula for speed.
What is "speed is equal to distance over time"?
Melvin and Misha walked to the market. Who had a greater speed?
What is "Melvin"?
Hannah ran 3 miles in 2 hours. What is her speed?
What is "1.5 mph"?
The parts of a hypothesis.
What is "IV and DV, If/Then, Directional Hypothesis"
A stationary object or something that never moves is a good example of this.
What is "reference point"
In order to solve for time, you would...
What is "divide distance by speed"?
Calculate the speed of Zeus in Graph A.
What is "10 m/s"?
Milly knows it will take her 5 hours to visit her friend in Vermont. Google Maps tells her it is 300 miles away. At what speed will she travel to reach Vermont?
What is "60 mph"?
When graphing results from an experiment or a lab the Independent variable goes on the ___ axis and the Dependent Variable goes on the ___ axis.
What is "x, y"?
Identify 3 types of motion that can be observed on/in a car. Explain
What is "vibrational: pistons in the engine or the noise it makes. Circular: the wheels on the car. Straight Line: driving the car down the road"
How do you calculate average speed?
What is "total distance over total time"?
Christlyn jogged 3 kilometers to watch the sun rise. It took her 2 hours to get to the park. Once at the park she watched the sun for 1 hour. She then ran the 2 kilometers back to her house in an hour. Graph Christlyn's motion.
What is ask Ms.Orf
Ralph chased his puppy for 150 seconds. He stayed at a constant speed of 20 m/s. How far did he travel?
What is "3,000 meters"?
It is important to conduct at least 3 trials for these reasons.
What is "to eliminate errors. It also helps to provide reliable data"?
Explain relative motion.
What is "An object may or may not be in motion relative to its reference point"
The rise over the run of a line is also known as the ______ of a line. On a Distance vs. Time graph this is equivalent to ______.
What is "slope, speed"?
Josh walked at a speed of 2 km/hr for 2 hours. He then walked 3 kilometers for 1 hour. He then ran 2 kilometers at a speed of 4 km/hr. Graph Josh's motion.
What is ask Ms. Orf
Vicky ran for 3 miles. She was running for 30 minutes. What was her speed in miles per hour?
What is "6 mph"?
It is important to have constants for this reason
What is "so we are able to determine that the IV is the only variable affecting the DV." or "so we know the DV is only being changed by the IV"?
Describe all 4 types of motion.
What is "straight line: when an object moves in a direct path. Circular: when an object revolves around its axis or in a circular motion. Vibrational: when an object moves rapidly back and forth. Projectile: when an object moves in an arc or is thrown (projected into the air and makes an angle and comes back down to earth)"
This type of motion and speed occurs when an object consistently increases in time as it does in distance. On a graph its motion is linear.
What is "constant speed"?
Calculate the speed at each segment on Graph B.
What is a) 2 km/hr b) 0 km/hr c) 4 km/hr
Penelope took her favorite scooter out for a ride. She went 20 meters in 3 minutes when she ran into Phil. Phil convinced her to go on a risky ride and they traveled 10 meters in 9 minutes. What was Penelope's average speed?
What is "2.5 meters/minute"?
Draw an example of a data table.
What is ask Ms. Orf