The fastest land animal. Can run as fast as a quick moving car, about 112 km per hour.
If I was going the same speed as another bike and only looking at that bike, what might I think about my speed.
I am not moving.
The force that pushes the paper airplane forward.
How do you measure speed?
Distance divided by time
is motion sickness a problem related to your stomach?
Kenetic energy
On a rollercoaster, where does it slow down.
When it is going up in the loop.
The force that slows things down and pushes against it, like the wind against your face when you run.
Motion that goes back and forth, back and forth rapidly
On a rollercoaster, when does it speed up?
When it is coming down from the loop.
Light bouncing off something smooth and shiney
Something hot touches something else and makes it hot.
Any push or pull is called this. It makes something move faster, slow down, stop, or change direction.
Kind of motion that goes in a circle, around a central point like when a wheel goes around
What were the 2 things we measured during out paper airplane tests.
Distance and time in air.
The top of a sound wave.
Any change in speed or direction is called this. In a car, there is a pedal that makes the car go faster when it is pushed down to get more gas. The car has this when the pedal is pushed.
Force that pulls all objects towards each other, like objects that are pulled to the earth's surface.
An object used to determine if an object is in motion. For example, if I am swimming in a lake, I can find a house on shore that is standing still and use it to tell if I am moving or not.
Reference point
Energy that can travel through space, does not need partices to travel through.
Light energy
Change of a position of an object like when something moves from one place to another.
Relative motion
Rate at which something changes position. This measures how fast an object moves. So you could say, the x of the car is 60 miles/hour.
The force that keeps things in the air, like the paper airplane.
Combines speed and direction. This word tells you what direction (N, S, E, W or left, right, for example) and how fast something is going.
When a sound is high or low, like a sharp whistle or a low drum beat.