Reference Points
The best reference point to describe the movement of the planets in our solar system.
What is the sun
The definition of speed.
What is the distance an object travels over a certain period of time
The difference between speed and velocity.
What is direction
Acceleration is...
What is the rate at which velocity changes (speeds up, slows down, or changes direction)
You drive to your friends house who lives 5 miles away from you. It takes 2.5 minutes to get there. This is your speed.
What is 2 mi/hr.
The best reference point to describe the rotation of Earth's moon.
What is the earth
A firefly flies 10 feet in 2 minutes. This is the speed of the firefly.
What is 5 ft/min
A train travels 1,000 miles from New Jersey to Florida in 12 hours. This is the velocity of the train.
What is 83.3 mi/hr South
The equation to solve acceleration problems.
What is (final S - initial S)/ time
Thumper and OBJ both run for 10 seconds. Thumper runs west at a speed of 2 ft/s and OBJ runs east at a speed of 4 ft/s. This is how far Thumper and OBJ are from one another.
What is 60 ft apart?
You are standing still on the sidewalk. A car drives passed you at a speed of 35 miles per hour. This is how fast you see the car pass by.
What is 35 mi/hr
A horse runs 270 miles in 15 hours. This is the speed of the horse.
What is 18 mi/hr
Two cars leave the parking lot at the same time; car A travels east for 30 minutes. Car B travels 52 miles west for 45 minutes. This is the velocity of car B.
What is 1.15 mi/min W
A bus starts at rest at speeds up to 1.1 mi/min in 0.3 minutes. This is the acceleration of the bus.
What is 3.66 mi/min2
Mrs. Kopacz walks south on the treadmill at a speed of 4 mi/hr when the treadmill belt moves north at a speed of 4 mi/hr. This is how Mrs. Kopacz moves in relation to the ground.
She will have not moved relative to the ground.
You are driving down the highway at a speed of 65 mi/hr. Another car, that is driving the same speed, is driving in the lane next to you in the opposite direction. You feel the car pass you with this speed.
What is 130 mi/hr
A car drives at a speed of 25 ft/s for 75 seconds. This is the distance the car traveled.
What is 1875 ft
Two lions leave their pride to hunt for food. One lion travels north for 10 minutes at a speed of 15 ft/min. The other lion travels south for 15 minutes at a speed of 19 ft/min. This is how far apart the lions are from each other.
What is 435 ft apart.
A racecar is driving at a speed of 30 ft/s while a repair truck is clearing an accident. After it is cleared, the car speeds up to 180 ft/s in 5 seconds. This is the acceleration of the car.
What is 30 ft/s2
Look at the graph on the board. This is how far the man walked after 2 seconds.
What is 2 ft.
Look at the image on the board. According to the triangle, the square is moving how fast and in what direction?
What is 40 mi/hr -->
A jet plane leaves the airport at 12 pm (eastern time) and travels 1800 miles east at a speed of 600 miles/hr. This is the time (eastern time) the plane arrives at its destination.
What is 3 pm?
A train leaves the station and heads west to its first stop at a speed 75 mi/hr. It takes the train 1.5 hours to reach the first stop. The train leaves the first stop and travels east for 4 hours at a speed of 70 mi/hr. This is the distance and position of the train to the station.
What is 167.5 mi east of the station.
You are on a roller coaster nearing the end of the ride. It takes 10 seconds for your cart to come to a complete stop from a speed of .05 mi/s. This is the acceleration of your roller coaster cart.
What is -0.005 mi/s2
Look at the graph on the board. This is the average speed of the man throughout his trip.
What is 0.6 ft/s.