True or False
Multiple Choice

________ is (are) related to the differential reinforcing effectiveness of a particular type of environmental event.

What is motivating operations. 


True or false- The two types of value-altering effects are establishing and abolishing operations. 

What is true. 


What is a type of motivating operation with value-altering effects that are not learned?

What is unconditioned motivating operations. 


The term motivating operations encompasses ______ and ______ operations.

A. Establishing and abolishing B. Evocative and abative C. Conditioned and unconditioned D. Transitive and surrogate

What is A. establishing and abolishing operations. 


A parent deprives her child from video games until his ABA session to increase the child's response rate with work tasks. This is an example of what effect?

What is the evocative effect?


An operation that decreases the current effectiveness of some stimulus, object, or event as reinforcement. 

What is an abolishing operation


True or false- A motivating operation that accomplishes what the original motivating operation it was paired with did is a reflexive CMO. 

What is false. 


What type of effect are evocative and abative effects?

What is behavior altering effect


A motivating operation whose value-altering effect depends on a learning history is A. Conditioned motivating operation (CMO) B. Reflexive conditioned motivating operation (CMO-R) C. Surrogate conditioned motivating operation (CMO-S) D. Unconditioned motivating operation (UMO)

What is A. Conditioned motivating operation


Food deprivation and painful stimulation are examples of what type of motivating operation?

What is unconditioned motivating operation. 


This type of CMO refers to a stimulus that has been paired with another motivating operation that then takes on the ability to accomplish what the original motivating operation did by being paired with it. 

What is Surrogate CMO (CMO-S)


True or false- there are 6 different types of CMOs.

What is false. 


What changes the effectiveness of a reinforcer?

What is a value-altering effect


__________ increases the effectiveness of some object or event as a reinforcer. A. Discriminative stimulus B. Establishing operation C. Behavior altering effects D. Value-altering effects

What is B. Establishing operation


Driving around in the heat during summer without air conditioning makes me very hot. When I get to my destination, I IMMEDIATELY GO TO THE FRIDGE FOR WATER. In relation to my getting water, the heat had what type of effect?

What is an evocative effect


This type of motivating operation alters a relation to itself by acquiring MO effectiveness by preceding a worsening or improvement.

What is reflexive CMO (CMO-R)


True or false- Only value-altering effects as a collective whole have the ability to produce either an increase or decrease in the reinforcing effectiveness of some stimulus, object, or event. 

What is true


What changes the current frequency of a behavior?

What is a behavior-altering effect


Food deprivation increases the current frequency of all behaviors that have produced food in the past. What type of effect is this? A. Behavior- altering (abative) B. Behavior-altering (evocative) C. Value-altering (abolishing) D. Value-altering (establishing) 

What is B. Behavior-altering (evocative)


Drinking a gallon of water quenched my thirst and cooled me off so I STOPPED DRINKING WATER. Thus, in relation to drinking, having all of that water had a ___ effect. 

What is abative effect


A change in  an organism’s repertoire of MO, stimulus, and response relations, caused by  reinforcement, punishment, an extinction procedure, or a recovery from punishment procedure that alters the future frequency of the behavior. 

What is function-altering effect


True or false- A decrease in the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object or event caused by a motivating operation is known as reinforcer-abolishing effect. 

What is true.


You cannot have access to the stimulus you want until you solve the problem with what type of CMO? (i.e., you are thirsty and have a bottle of coke. You cannot seem to find the bottle opener and must ask someone for help).

What is transitive (CMO-T)


Food deprivation increases the effectiveness of food as a reinforcer. What type of effect is this? A. Value-altering (abolishing) B. Value-altering (establishing) C. Behavior-altering (evocative) D. Behavior altering (abative) 

What is B. value-altering (establishing) 


Someone puts a lock on the fridge. This establishes the reinforcing value of a key when access to food is valuable as a source of reinforcement. The key becomes what type of CMO?

What is transitive (CMO-T)
