After practice, you are hungry so you are determined to eat pasta as soon as possible.
What is Drive-Reduction Theory?
You sweat while running to cool yourself down.
What is Homeostasis?
You go to a golf course every weekend because you find it enjoyable after a stressful week at work.
What is Intrinsic Motivation?
To fulfill your hunger after a marathon, you have to choose between eating spaghetti or Alfredo pasta.
What is Approach-Approach Conflicts?
What is Optimal Level of Arousal?
After a quiet, low action day at school, you decide to hit up your friends to play basketball.
What is Arousal Theory?
This hormone makes your stomach growl after an exhausting football game.
What is Ghrelin?
What is Extrinsic Motivation?
Deciding to eat at a buffet while you are on the cut.
What is Approach-Avoidance Conflicts?
What is Yerkes Dodson Law?
You decide to join the FCHS Volleyball team as a middle blocker to fulfill your need for competence, relatedness, and autonomy.
What is Self-Determination Theory?
This hormone decreases your hunger and allows you to remain at a constant weight year round to ensure you can wrestle at your desired weight each year.
What is Leptin?
Instead of shooting a layup on a fast break, you go for a windmill dunk in front of a large crowd for the excitement.
What is Thrill-Seeking?
Choosing between surgically treating a herniated disk or going through a long physical therapy route.
What is Avoidance-Avoidance Conflicts?
While sitting in the stands watching a baseball game, you quickly react to a ball flying your way by catching it.
What is Instincts?
You work hard everyday at practice to have a chance at winning Rookie of the Year.
This gland is responsible for the growth of 6 ft 10 in basketball players.
What is Pituitary Gland?
You decide to go on a double black diamond trail on your first day back to snowboarding after a brutal injury.
What is Adventure-Seeking?
During a tennis match, each shot is carefully selected with an outcome that must be consciously decided based on desirability.
What is Lewin's Motivational Conflicts Theory?
After losing a crucial point, you throw your tennis racket against the fence in anger.
What is Disinhibition?
You decide to tryout for the wrestling team instead of indoor track because you want to try something new this school year.
What is Sensation-Seeking Theory?
This part of the brain is responsible for the regulation of your heart rate, body temperature, and hunger during intense workouts.
What is Hypothalamus?
You dislike running the same drills at practice.
What is Boredom Susceptibility?