Showing an understanding of a person's thoughts and emotions related to quitting tobacco. This develops a helpful relationship with the person.
What is Expressing Empathy?
This "A" involves identifying whether a patient is ready to quit smoking and determining the level of support they need.
What is "Assess"?
What is defined as any talk focusing on why the patient doesn't want to or doesn't need to change.
What is Resistant Talk?
"What do you think would happen to you if cigarettes/vaping devices disappeared from the planet tomorrow?" Is any example of what?
What is Open-Ended Questions?
Supporting a person's belief or confidence that they can change. We can do this by recognizing small positive steps that the person is taking.
What is Supporting Self-Efficacy?
This "A" involves asking a patient about their tobacco use, including frequency, history, and type.
What is "Ask"
What is Change Talk?
Defined as any talk by the patient that focuses on why the patient needs to change their behavior in order to achieve their goals?
This part of "OARS" is meant to close the loop in communication to ensure breakdowns do not occur.
What is Reflective Listening?
Identifying and clarifying the difference between a person's own goals and their current behavior.
What is Developing Discrepancy?
This "A" refers to providing practical support, such as resources, counseling, and medications to help a patient quit smoking.
What is "Assist"?
What is the benefit of eliciting change talk and avoiding resistant talk?
What is the patient is more likely to engage in health behavior change?
This part of "OARS" helps ensure that there is a clear communication between the speaker and listener.
What is Summarization?
We do not argue or threaten; we stay focused and provide information and explore possible solutions.
What is Rolling with Resistance?
This "A" involves scheduling follow-up appointments or providing on going support to ensure the patient stays on track with their quit plan.
What is "Arrange"?
What are three ways we can elicit change talk while avoiding resistant talk?
What is Asking Open-Ended Questions, Affirmations, Reflective Listening, and Summarization?
To be effective, affirmations must be _____ and ______.
What are genuine and congruent
What are the 5 R's of Motivational Interviewing?
What is Relevance, Risks, Rewards, Roadblocks, and Repetition
"Quitting is the most important thing you can do to help manage your diabetes." Is an example of which one of the "A's"
What is "Advise"?
What are two types of "Change Statements"? (Hint: we talked about 4 types).
What are:
1.) Problem recognition: "My use has gotten a little out of hand at times."
2.) Concern: "If I don't stop, something bad is going to happen."
3.) Intent to Change: "I'm going to do something, I'm not just sure what it is yet."
4.) Optimism: "I know I can get a handle on this problem."
When using Reflective Listening, you should use what?
What is the patient's own words?