MI Potpourri
Mirror, Mirror
Hello, DEARS!
Seasons of Change
Building the Wall
A collaborative,person centered approach used to elicit and strengthen motivation for change
What is motivational interviewing?
Simple, Amplified, Double-sided, Shifting Focus, Agreement with a twist, Reframing, Siding with the negative
What are types of reflections?
What are the five principles that make up the Spirit of MI?
What is Develop Discrepancy, Express Empathy, Avoid Argumentation, Roll with Resistance, and Support Self-Efficacy"?
What are the four IDDT stages of treatment?
What is Engagement, Persuasion, Active Treatment and Relapse Prevention.
This increases when the helper values change more than the member.
What is "Resistance"?
A natural tendency to correct others' behavior or give solutions to another's problem.
What is "the righting reflex"?
The client says "I'm losing weight because my clothes feel big on me." The provider says " Your clothes don't fit like they used to." What type of reflection is the CM using?
What is simple reflection? (staying close to what the client said)
What principle is outlined here? The CM says: "Let me see if I understand. You have said that avoiding these recurrent ER visits for your son's asthma would make you feel more in control of your life. How does smoking play into that goal"?
What is Developing Discrepancy between the member's goal and current problem behavior?
This stage of treatment is demonstrated in a 40 year old mother who says she is too overworked to quit smoking right now and it really isn't hurting her anyway. After all, her grandfather smoked his whole life and he lived to be 95!
What is "Engagement"?
True or False: Resistance decreases when the helper uses open questions to explore the member's reason for change.
What is True?
A counselor who is using MI will be listening for this as an indication that the individual is increasing their readiness to address behaviors.
What is "change talk"?
The client says "I have so much going on right now." The helper reflects back "You're feeling like the world is on your shoulders." What type of reflection is this?
What is "amplified"? (Reflecting the client's statement in an exaggerated form)
What MI principle is used here? The member says "I know I am big, but I am not obese. My friends tell me I look fine. I can do everything I need to do and diets don't work anyway." The helper responds "I agree that the most important thing is how you feel about all of this."
What is "Rolling with Resistance"?
An obese 20 year old male with a goal of losing weight has been going to the gym for 45 minutes a day 3 days a week for a month. He is in this stage:
What is "Active Treatment"?
"I don't think you have a choice right now" takes away a member's what?
What is: autonomy/freedom to choose or "self-efficacy"?
MI's micro skills. (list acronym and the word that each letter represents)
What is OARS? Open ended questions; Affirmations; Reflections; Summaries.
The client says "I know I need to exercise but I'm afraid I may have another heart attack". The counselor reflects back "On one hand you're afraid to risk more damage to your heart and on the other hand you want to be more active." What type of reflection is this?
What is double sided reflection?
When the helper is showing an understanding of a member's thoughts and emotions, the following principle is being exhibited.
What is "Expressing Empathy"?
A member who is ambivalent and considering how a situation impacts their life but is not yet ready to take steps toward change is in this stage:
What is "Persuasion"?
True or False: Exploring a member's reasons for change and affirming the member's actions help to decrease resistance.
What is True?
This state is normal when a person is considering behavioral change and constitutes an important motivational obstacle in recovery.
What is "ambivalence"?
In MI, this is a specific ratio of number of reflections for each open ended question.
What is 3 reflections for every question?
Supporting a client's belief that he can change, supporting the "can do" attitude is an example of the following MI principle.
What is "Supporting Self-efficacy"?
A 30 year old male who has purchased nicotine patches and is planning to stop smoking is in this stage.
What is "Late Persuasion"?
This dynamic is important to attend to, as it is an indication of how well the relationship is working. It is not a trait of people with addictions, it is a dynamic between two people.
What is Resistance?