God told me to build an ark and to put two of every creature on it. Who am I?
Genesis 7:16
This boy defeated a giant with a slingshot and a stone
1 Samuel 17:50-53
What is the first book of the Bible
What is the Pastor's middle name
In what river did John the Baptist baptize Jesus
Jordan River
Mark 1:9-11
Who was thrown into a den of lions but was unharmed because he trusted God
Daniel 6:16-23
Who was swallowed by a great fish after running from God's command?
Jonah 1:17
What are the four Gospels in the New Testament?
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Who were the first visitors to see the newborn baby, Jesus
Luke 2:8-18
Which three men survived a fiery furnace without being burned?
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Daniel 3 The Fiery Furnace
Who was the strongest man in the Bible, known for his long hair?
What book is known as the book of wisdom, written by Solomon?
What is Trustee Ralph's favorite song to sing?
What is the name that Jesus was sometimes called, that means my master or my teacher?
Mark 9:5
What did God use to guide the Israelites through the wilderness by day?
A pillar of cloud
Exodus 13:21
Who was the tax collector that Jesus called down from a sycamore tree?
Luke 19:1-10
What is the last book of the Bible?
When is M.O.B.C's birthday?
May 18th?
Where did Jesus go to live after moving from Egypt?
Matthew 2:23
What did God give Moses on Mount Sinai?
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:3
I am one of Jacob's twelve sons. I had a special robe. Who am I?
Genesis 37:3
What book tells the story of the Israelites escaping Egypt?
When did Rev. Edmonds become our Pastor?
Jesus told three stories about things that were lost. What are the three things?
The lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son
Luke 15