This lunch area is where hot lunch is served.
The Cafeteria
Current Events
Ms. Cohen
Breakfast/snack policy?
first five minutes of first period, no dessert, not a break!
First few minutes of third period (as a snack), not a break!
Where does your phone go when you're at school?
Yonder Pouch (at home!)
Who is the principal?
Mr. Lowe
This lunch area is Mrs. Alexander's room downstairs. Hint: It's one of your enrichment classes!
The Art room!
Social Studies
Mr. Stein OR Mr. Tepper
Bathroom policy
One at a time, hand symbol
True or false: Your school chromebook is yours to keep.
FALSE! School laptops stay at school.
What street/s is our school on?
109th/108th between Broadway and Amsterdam
This lunch area can get very noisy.
The gym (or music!)
Ms. Acevedo
How to arrive for class
Prepared! Planner out, pencil, binder, folder (if needed)
Where I can find work that I missed?
Google Classroom (I MUST tell my teacher if I turn it in online!)
What class do you typically have last period?
This lunch area is across the hall in room 507b.
The Tech Lab (with Mr. Islam)
Ms. Lanham
Where do you have lunch?
In the cafeteria, (NOT outside), not in the stairwell
Four parts of a professional email to a teacher
SUBJECT: ______
Dear Mr./Ms/Mrs. _____,
____[full sentences]___
[My name]
What are Ms. Acevedo's and Ms. Cohen's room numbers?
508B and 514
This lunch area is also an 8th grade classroom.
The scholar lounge (405) or the library (408)
Ms. Gennaro OR Ms. Yang
Hallway behavior?
Line up, no water breaks, don't dillydally, voices off, hands to ourselves
Where do I check my grades?
What are the Code for Living Mott Hall II values?
Responsibility, Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Fairness, Generosity, and Honesty