Masonic Odds and Ends
Masonic Symbols
Famous Freemasons
Indiana Masonic Law
Masonic History

This society, unrelated to the Freemasons, formed in 1783, with Bro. George Washington as its president, to provide aid for widows and orphans of the Revolutionary War.

Society of the Cincinnati 


These are the three moveable jewels.

Rough Ashlar, Perfect Ashlar, and the Trestle Board


This famous author from Phoenix Lodge No. 257 is world famous his mystery stories such as A Study in Scarlet, The Adventure of the Six Napoleons, and The Sign of Four. 


This is the number required to open a Lodge of Masons.

Reg. 22.050


This is the year the Grand Lodge of England was founded. 

1717 (June 24th aka St. John the Baptist Day)


Besides his midnight ride, Paul Revere is well known for a long career as this.



This admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations before God and man. 



Known for his portrayal of the title roll of the 80s hit, Webster. This Brother is a member of W.C. Thomas Lodge #112 F&AM, PHA under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia. 

Emmanuel Lewis


True or False: You can invite someone to become a Mason.

True! Be sure to read the process in the GL Blue Book carefully in Reg. 29.140. 


Meaning "In the Year of Light", Masonic dates are written in this format. 

Anno Lucis or AL.


In this movie, Matty tells a farm hand 'When you get home, you put him in a better coffin and you bury him in a mason’s apron.'

True Grit


The Three Principal Rounds of the ladder from Jacob's vision are denominated as this.

Faith, Hope, and Charity


Mix some tea and lemonade, grab your clubs, and head to the golf course. This world-famous golfer was a member of Loyalhanna Lodge No. 275 in his hometown of Latrobe, Pennsylvania, and a 33° Scottish Rite Mason 

Arnold Palmer


True or False, A Past Master is allowed to open his own lodge. 

False, unless that Past Master is the WM or one of the Wardens.

Reg. 18.020


This is the name of the Tavern where the Grand Lodge of England was founded. 

Goose and Gridiron Tavern


Brother Theodore Roosevelt won this major prize in 1906 for his efforts to end the Russo-Japanese War.


Speculatively, it is used to divest our hearts and consciences of vices and superfluities.

Common Gavel


Ehh... whats up doc? This Mason of 1000 voices is famous for being the original voice of Bugs Bunny! 

Mel Blanc


True or False: The Worshipful Master has the authority to stop and arrest the conferral of the EA degree if he finds the Candidate is unworthy. 

True Reg. 32.050


The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania claims the first lodge in North America was organized in this famous Tavern. Marines are also well aquatinted with this tavern.

Tun Tavern


A member of Concorde Fraternal Lodge of Paris and a member of the French Assembly. He invented the device that bears his name and was later executed with one

Dr. Joseph Guillotine


What do Chalk, Charcoal & Clay represent? 

Freedom, fervency and zeal

For the history buffs: This English Field Marshal was the military leader who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo and went on to become Prime Minister of the UK. 

The First Duke of Wellington, Sir Arthur Welsley

Is the Tyler entitled to a vote in Lodge? 
The Tyler never votes unless he has heard all that has transpired in relation to the matter being voted upon. 

Standing Resolution. 50.040 (C)


One hundred fifty years ago in the U.S., there were nearly 3,000 Masonic lodges that can be described as "Moon Lodges", meaning this.

They only met during or near a full moon to have light to travel.
