How do birds move?
Wings/flight, Legs/walking
What in our bodies is holding us up?
Bones/Skeletal system
What is the tissue that covers your bones and is really the reason you can move at all?
What are the connection points in the body called where bones can move?
What is the difference between MOVEMENT and LOCOMOTION
Movement is carried out by parts of a body with no change in location. Locomotion is movement with change in location.
Where can you find a flat bone in the body?
Sternum/breast bone, clavicle, skull, shoulders and hips
Cardiac muscles are found in the _____.
Name 2 joints and give an example of them in the skeleton
Ball and Socket - shoulder, hip
Hinge - elbow, knee
Pivot - neck/skull
Saddle joint - thumb
Condyloid - fingers
Plane - between tarsals
Give an example of a plant moving
Leaves blowing in the wind, flower turning to follow the sun
Name two unicellular organisms and how they move
The axial skeleton consists of what three main parts of the skeletal system?
Skull, Vertebral column/Vertebrae/backbone, and Sternum/ribs.
Smooth muscles are found in the ______
Does a joint extension movement open a joint or close it?
What is an example of locomotion that doesn't require energy?
Sitting in a car as it's moving
What are the areas of the skeletal system that include the arms and legs called?
Appendicular Skeleton
What is cartilage?
thin, fibrous connective tissue found on the ends of bones, in the nose, ear, larynx, and respiratory tract.
Give 3 reasons we might need to move.
Search for food, protection from enemies, protection or to get away from pain or damage, for reproduction
Compare the snake and a fish - how are they alike in their movement?
Both use many muscles to move the entire body forward - both move in a wavy motion (serpentine for snake, and jerking motion for fish).
Give 4 functions of the skeletal system
Support, protection, movement, Blood cell production, mineral storage, energy storage, help with other mechanisms such as breathing and hearing.
Fibrous cartilage is found where in the body?
Knee and between vertebrae
Bones are held together at the joint by what connective tissue?
Give three reasons plants need to move.
Support, seek and capture food, find water and soil nutrients and hold leaves to get maximum sunlight, protection against damage, touch or pressure, or sudden change in temperature