This movement shortens and lengthens the bicep muscle
Bicep Curl
This movement is done to kick a ball.
Leg Extension
This popular dance move occurs in places like: Walmart, Giant Eagle, and Trader Joes
Shopping Cart
This stretch targets oblique and lat muscles.
Side Stretch
The New York City marathon is one of 3 major running events in the U.S. Where do the other two marathons take place?
Boston and Chicago
When doing this movement pattern, some might mistake you for flying like a bird.
Lateral Raises
This movement is typically done during square dancing.
Box Step
This movement is done by surfers prior to standing on their board.
This stretch is good for individuals who type and write a lot.
Prayer Hands
What six-letter word names both a seed company and an exercise that combines a squat, a pushup, and a jump in the air?
This movement might be confused with "raising the roof?"
Shoulder Press
These movements are typically done by ballerinas.
Heel/Toe Raises
Gymnasts refer to this movement as a "toe touch."
Kick and Reach
This stretch targets lower back muscles.
Toe Touch
Treating an urban landscape as an obstacle course is the goal of what sport?
This movement pattern is made when jumping rope.
Arm Circles
This movement is typically done to squash a bug.
What is the ending pose for a gymnastic floor routine?
Stick the Landing
This stretch targets the muscles that support the head.
Neck Stretches
What famous athlete famously declared his strategy to be the following nature-full phrase: "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee?"
Muhammad Ali
The movement pattern is best done to a popular Latin dance song.
The Macarena
This movement targets the ball and socket joint in the middle of your body.
Hip Circles
These movement are typically done in a Dojo.
Martial Arts/Karate movements
This stretch targets outer hip muscles.
Figure 4 Stretch
9 hours, 38 minutes, and 47 seconds is the current world record for holding what pirate-approved exercise position?