There should be __ teachers in the classroom at all times.
What is 2 teachers?
OOWL stands for...
What is Overwhelming Oakland with Love!
This curriculum is used in all of our classes.
What is the Gospel Project?
All teachers must wear this each time they serve.
What is the grey movement volunteer shirt.
All parents should check in their child and when checking out they must do these two things.
What is sign their name and give their pick up ticket to the Check In Volunteer?
Name 3 out of the 5 church values.
Resolute Gratitude
Empowering Leadership
Audacious Faith
Lifelong Learning
Selfless Transparency
This part of the class consists of review the Big Idea, the memory verse, and the characteristic of God we are focusing on and how the lesson fits into God's big story.
What is the Timeline Review?
All MOVEMENT KIDS volunteers are to arrive at this time and report to the kids huddle at this time.
What is 8:45AM and 9:15AM?
Bathroom time: In the Yellow class, these must be worn when changing diapers.
What are gloves?
The vision of theMOVEMENT is.
What is A Movement of disciples making disciples.
This is an incentive system for the kids in the classroom.
What are Bible Bucks?
This is used to schedule all volunteers.
Planning Center Online
This person should be contacted when there is an emergency, a parent needs to be contacted or a discipline issue needs to be addressed.
Who is the MOVEMENT KIDS Director?
Our dream for the future is...
What is: by the year 2026, we dream of becoming a family of 8 churches, serving 8 public schools in the city of Oakland.
These are the 3 rules of the classroom.
What are:
Show love for God.
Show love for other people.
Show love for self.
A new volunteer must _____________.
What is, serve 3 times on Muscle?
The child to teacher ratio for each classroom is.
What is yellow 1:4
Blue: 1:8
Red: 1-12
Name all 3 MK values.
Jumpstarting Faith
Creates Community
Engages Hearts and Minds
Bathroom protocol.
When a child needs to go to the bathroom outside of scheduled class break, two adults must accompany the child.
Going on vacation or plan to be out.
What is, inserting blockout dates in PCO, when possible 2 weeks ahead of time and let your team lead know?