What is Population?
All the people that live in an area.
What is absolute population?
the total number of people living in an area.
what is an emigrant?
a person who moves away from an area.
What is the most populated city in Spain?
Where were my great grandparents from?
Potes, Cantabria.
What is the census ?
The tool governments use in order to know how many people live in an area.
What is Natural Increase?
the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths.
What are immigrants?
a person who moves into an area.
what is rural?
small towns, countryside, low pop density
What is international immigration?
when people cross borders and move to another country.
What is demography?
The study of human populations.
What is population density?
the average number of people who live on each square kiometer.
what is a negative natural increase?
when more people die than are born.
What is urban?
city/ high population density
What is internal migration?
people inside a country that move to cities from the rural areas.
What is the population of Valdemoro?
approx 75,000
What areas of Europe have a low population density?
Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Russia, Finland, Norway.
What is a positive natural increase?
when more people are born than die.
What percentage of Spanish live in urban areas?
approx 80 percent.
What are two two cities where a lot of Spanish people move to in order to find work?
Madrid and Barcelona.
What is the population of Spain?
approx 46-48 million people.
What areas of Europe have a high population density?
England, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, and northern Italy.
What is actual increase?
includes immigrants arriving and emigrants leaving.
natural increase plus number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants.
How many people live in Europe?
approx 740 million people.
What is a population pyramid?
a chart/ pyramid that shows the population distribution by age in a country.