Find the difference
Tell the story
Odd one out
Answer the questions

Test 3. Complete the sentence:

In picture 1 there is a cinema, ...

but in picture 2 there is a bus station.


Test 2. What does the dog bring in picture 2 to the boy?

The dog brings the scarf to the boy.


Test 3. Row 2

Picture 4 is different (odd one out), because it's an animal, the others are body parts.


When (what time) do you eat dinner?

I eat (have) dinner at ...


Test 3. Tell the difference between pictures using the phrase "behind the library"

In picture 1 there is a supermarket behind the library but in picture 2 there is a sports center.

Test 2. Why do the children run? Who do they see?

The children run to the girl who is sitting on the rocks and crying.


Test 3, row 4

Picture 4 is different (odd one out) because it's a job, the others are places.


What do you like doing after school?

I like playing soccer, mobile games, reading, watching videos, etc.


Test 4. Tell the difference between woman's clothes

In picture 1 the woman is wearing a coat, but in picture 2 she isn't wearing a coat.


Test 2. How does the girl feel? Why?

The girl feels happy because she gets her scarf back from the dog.


Test 4, row 4

Picture 4 is different (odd one out) because it's a place outside of the city, the others are places in the city.


Do you have brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have an older/younger sister/brother.

No, I don't have brothers or sisters.


Test 2. Tell the difference in man's appearance. 

In picture 1 the man has a moustache but in picture 2 he doesn't have a moustache. 


Test 3. What is happening in pictures 2 and 3?

Zoe and Jack are walking in the supermarket. They see the boy with the roller skates coming near them. Mom is not looking at them.

The boy with the roller skates falls on the children and fruit. Jack falls on the floor. 


Test 4, row 3

Picture 4 is different (odd one out) because it's a kitchenware, the others are animals that can fly.


Where do you usually play with your friends?

I usually play with my friends at their home, in the park, at school.


Test 2. Tell the difference regarding the leaves. 

In picture 1 there are leaves under the tree but in picture 2 there aren't leaves under the tree. 


Test 3. Tell the story using the keywords: walk, isn't looking, roller blades, fall, floor, help, cry, angry

Listen to the teacher.

Test 4, row 2

Picture 2 is different (odd one out) because it's a message, the others are weather.


Tell me about your best friend.

Her/his names is... . She/he is tall/short, etc. She/he helps me/play (badminton) with me.
