Important Dates and Terms
Mortgage Director
The 24-Hour Review
Steps to CSD
Movie and TV Trivia

Within 24 hours of this date, you should complete the 24-hour file review.

What is the, in "Processing" date? 


The screen in Mortgage Director where you would add any Seller Credits or Concessions shown on the Purchase Contract.

What is the Fee Screen? 


The image found in the print forms library listing the required conditions to get your loan approved for closing by the Underwriter.

What is the Condition Sheet (Doc ID#5745)? 


A list of the steps to take when preparing your file to be submitted to the UW for CSD can be found here.  

What is the Processing Job Aids manual? 

The type of home Oscar the Grouch lives in on Sesame Street. 

What is a garbage can? 


Date entered in MD, following the initial Underwrite, once the file is reviewed and the list of needed conditions have been emailed to the Borrower and/or the LO. 

What is the 24-Hour date? 


The tab you must be in, in MD to run AUS.

What is the Services tab? 


Once you have requested these two third-party items during the 24, you must click the "Order" tasks in their assigned image folders to add the date requested and your initials.

What is the Preliminary Title Report and Homeowners Insurance (HOI)? 


This list, in your Processing Job Aids manual, gives you condition exceptions by category that can be missing when submitting to the UW for CSD.

What is the CSD missing items list? 


The meeting spot for Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Donald, Daisy, and Goofy.  

What is the Clubhouse? 


Date entered in MD, once you have sent a follow-up on any open conditions, three days after the 24-hour review is complete.

What is the 72-hour date or touch point? 


Screen in MD that you would add the EMD (Earnest Money) and the DD (Due Diligence) Deposits if being verified.

What is the Assets screen? 


The HOI Policy should be effective on or before this date.

What is the requested close date? 


When conditioned for IRS Transcripts due at CSD, if you have these two items in your file before entering your date you can get an exception.

What are the signed Tax Returns and proof that transcripts have been ordered? 


The name of the road that you must follow in order to get to the Wizard of Oz.

What is the Yellow Brick Road? 


As long as you enter this date which prompts the UW to complete a mid-point file review in MD before your Target Processing Date (TPD), you have met your set goal for the loan.

What is the Conditions Submitted Date (CSD)? 


The screen in MD where you enter all lender and third-party contact information.

What is the Loan Data Screen? 


The Processing Checklist which can be used as a guide during the 24-hour review can be found here.

What is the HUB Operations Training Space? 


For FHA Loans, prior to CSD and 24-hours after the FHA Case number assignment is dropped to your file, you must order this through FHA Connection.

What is the FHA Case Validation? 


The name of the City that Batman lives in? 

What is Gotham City? 


Entering this date in MD sends the file back to the Underwriter for the final review.

What is the Actual Processing Date (APD)?


The status color in MD's imaging screen, to change new images to, that require UW review and approval.

What is Yellow (needs review)? 


During the 24, you should review this report in the Property verify section, to confirm the Subject Property address is showing a "Pass" as we currently have it listed in MD and on the URLA.

What is the Data Verify Report? 


When submitting for CSD, to avoid date pulls, you should not only pull an updated condition sheet to confirm you have addressed all "Prior to CSD" conditions, but you should also use this tool in imaging to separate and verify all required conditions have been met.

What is the Filters or the Filtering Tool? 


The name of the camp where the Friday the 13th movies take place.

What is Camp Crystal Lake? 
