Chew loudly
You should not chew loudly at the movie theater.
Arrive early
You should arrive early to the movie theater.
Switch your phone to silent
You should switch your phone to silent at the movie theater.
Talk loudly during the movie
You should not talk loudly during the movie.
Slurp your drink
You should not slurp your drink at the movie theater.
Buy your ticket
You should buy your ticket at the movie theater.
Talk on the phone during the movie
You should not talk on the phone during the movie.
Kick the seat in front of you
You should not kick the seat in front of you.
Eat popcorn
You should eat popcorn at the movie theater.
Use the bathroom before the movie starts
You should use the bathroom before the movie starts.
Play video games during the movie
You should not play video games during the movie.
Be respectful to the people sitting near you
You should be respectful to the people sitting near you.
Bring durian into the movie theater
You should not bring durian into the movie theater.
You should not say the ending of the movie before it begins.
Record the movie on your phone
You should not record the movie on your phone.
Go to the bathroom 20 times during the movie
You should not go to the bathroom 20 times during the movie.
Share your popcorn with Teacher Emily
You should share your popcorn with Teacher Emily.
Enter the movie theater after the movie has started
Text your friends where you're sitting
You should text your friends where you're sitting.
Leave garbage on the ground
You should not leave garbage on the ground.