Across the Pond
Shades & Hues
How Fitting
Rhyme Time
Alliteration & Assonance

It's the 2002 rom com that repeatedly mentions a home remedy that can be found among your household cleaning products.

What is "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"?


The last name of the oldest actress in the 2009 wedding movie that is set in Alaska.

What is White?


They may be breakable, but these might just be one of the most iconic cinematic items ever worn in a love story.

What is glass slippers?


This actor plays the love interest of Kate Winslet in “The Holiday”.

Who is Jack Black?


A fortune cookie almost alters the wedding celebration in this 2003 remake.

What is “Freaky Friday”?


It's the city a woman named Anna decides to travel to in February to propose to her boyfriend.

What is Dublin?


Thanks to her ex-best friend, Kate Hudson’s character shows up to work with this type of hairdo in the 2009 comedy, "Bride Wars."

What is blue?


Aside from a wedding gown, this is what Julia Roberts poses in on the cover of the movie, "Runaway Bride".

What are tennis/running shoes?


It’s the movie in which a newlywed pair is anxious to start their lives together, but shortly after marrying the duo becomes a trio.

What is “You, Me and Dupree”?


The name of the star in this film whose main character is from the animated fairy tale kingdom of Andalasia.

Who is Amy Adams?


It's the country where the band, who wrote the hit songs for “Mamma Mia!", calls home.

What is Sweden?


This is the type of cake that the couple in the movie, “The Vow,” agrees to disagree on in their wedding vows.

What is red velvet?


This is the decoy Queen Clarisse gives to Princess Mia in "Princess Diaries 2" to help her ride more like a lady in the royal parade.

What is a wooden leg?


In this movie a former assassin, known simply as "The Bride," wakes from a coma four years after her jealous ex-lover attempts to murder her on her wedding day.

What is "Kill Bill"?


In this 1995 film complete strangers (who are twins in real life) team up by switching places to make their loved ones fall in love with each other.

What is “It Takes Two”?


This is the place where the bride exclaims she is sending her wedding dress measurements to in the movie, "Bridesmaids."

What is France?


This is the only kind of M&M the groom played by Matthew McConaughey will eat in "The Wedding Planner."

What is brown?


In "Legally Blonde" this is the brand Elle Woods is wearing when she is criticized because it's from "last season."

What is Prada?


In this movie the main character learns that each of his ex-girlfriends finds true love with the man she meets after her relationship with him ends.

What is “Good Luck Chuck”?


It's the movie in which a pop superstar marries a random person in the crowd on the spot just after learning that her fiancé has been going behind her back.

What is “Marry Me”?


This is the name of the British ship where Nick Parker and Elizabeth James got married in the 1998 remake film, "The Parent Trap."

What is Queen Elizabeth II?


The two words Julia Roberts' character uses to describe the theme for her wedding in the 1989 drama, "Steel Magnolias."

What is blush and bashful?


The name of the company where George Banks works in "Father of the Bride."

What is Side Kicks?


It’s the name of the band behind the title of this 2002 movie in which a southern belle returns to her roots.

What is Lynyrd Skynyrd?


The famous first sentence of this novel that has now been made into a movie is “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

What is “Pride & Prejudice”?
