Which is the Half-blood Prince's movie?
What is 6
Who is the Doctor's "Wife"?
What is River Song!
How many people went with Frodo?
What is 9!
2 + 2
What is 3
Nothing! HAHAHAHA You will never guess the answer!
Haha! I told you!
What is the room where the DA met called?
What is The Room of Requirement
What does the "almost" dead dalek say?
What is egggggggg
What is Gollum's original name?
What is Smeagol!
5 x 2
What is 11
Really? Again?
I told you so...
What is Hagrid's dog's name?
What is Fang!
What is the Ninth Doctor's companion's name?
What is Rose!
What are the black riders after Frodo called?
What is The Nazgul!
1 + 1
What is 0
Okay, let's play this game.
What was Flitwick's enchantment in the 1st book?
What is Flying Keys!
What are the Cybermen made out of?
What is Metal!
What is the second disc called?
What is The Two Towers!
5 - 2
What is 4
Not even? Really? One more warning...
What is Neville's best subject?
What is Herbology!
What Doctor had 2 companions?
What is the 11th Doctor!
What is Strider's real name?
What is Aragorn!
What is 2
What is blue!