What color hair does Ariel have in "The Little Mermaid"?
What poisonous item did Snow White eat?
Une Pomme
What animal is Simba?
Un Lion
What movie is the song "Let It Go" from?
What is Elsa's younger sister's name?
What did the Fairy Godmother turn into a coach for Cinderella?
Une Citrouille
How many wishes does the Genie in "Aladdin" grant?
What animal is Rapunzel's pet?
Un Caméléon
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a song from which Disney film?
Where does "Ratatouille" take place?
Paris, France
What is "Beauty"s name from "The Beauty and the Beast"?
What color did Rapunzels hair turn at the end of "Tangled"?
What kind of animal is Aladdins best friend?
Un Seinge
Which Disney song includes the lyrics "I can hear you, but I won't // some look for trouble while others don't"?
Into the Unknown
What color is Tinkerbell's dress?
What is the Evil Fairy's name in Sleeping Beauty?
What does Ursula steal from Ariel?
Sa Voix
What is the Horse's name in Rapunzel?
The lyric, "I wish I could be the perfect daughter, but I come back to the water", is from which Disney song?
How Far I'll Go ( Moana )
What does "Hakuna Matata" mean from the Lion King?
No Worries
What is the name of the villain from Peter Pan?
Capitaine Hook
What animal does Merida turn her mother into?
Un Ours
What animal does Jafar turn into in the end of 'Aladdin'?
Un Serpent
Which song did Rapunzel and Flynn start singing when they first saw the lanterns in the film "Tangled'?
I See The Light
("and at last I see the light...")
What is the name of the rat who likes to cook from "Ratatouille"?