What do s the name of the aircraft carrier that we see in both the beginning and the end of Top Gun
USS Enterprise
Who killed Mace Windu
Darth Sidious
What was the last line of the movie
As you wish
What type of animal is Indy scared of
Which ear did George Bailey lose hering
In what month did goose die
What model aircraft did Luke use to bullseye WOMP Rats
T-16 skyhopper
What was indigos life’s dream
To kill the six fingered man
Who plays Indiana Jones in the original three movies
Harrison Ford
Who said “ I’d been saving this money for a divorce if ever I was to get a husband!”
What was Kelly McGillis’s characters’ full name in the movie
Charlotte Blackwood
What were Padmes last words
Obi-Wan there is good in him. I know there is
Where does Iocane Powder come from
What kind of dog does Indy have as a boy
How did harry almost die
Who directed top gun
Tony Scott
What did Luke Skywalker lose in his fight with darth vader
His right hand
What is the first thing buttercup tells Westley to do in the movie
Polish her horse’s saddle
Which Indiana jones movie someone tries to kill indy
All of them
What is the full name of the girl who married George bailey
Mary Hatch
What is Vipers daughters name
Where did clone wars begin
Who was the Dread Pirate Robert’s directly before westley
Which Indians jones movie do we see young indy
Indians Jones and The last Crusade
What did George have in his pocket from ZuZu
Flower Petals