Which graphic organizer would you use if you wanted to convince your reader that Bella should have choosen Jacob instead of Edward in Twilight?
A. Skeleton
B. Persuasive outline
C. Bubble map
D. House
What is persuasive outline
Whats wrong with this introduction paragraph
There are many advantages and disadvantages to owning a dog. Some examples are you stay healthy, good exercise and having a good friend. A disadvantage is having to pay for a dogs shots.
details not belong in introduction
If you are peer editing what advice would you give after reading this paragraph
Alex was ok to live with. He was happy when he played. And he even liked playing with his sister. Sometimes they got along but not often.
not enough details, beginning sentence with "and", too short
What is the main idea?
most important thing in a story
What can you create using Kurzweil
graphic organizer/outline/draft
Which graphic organizer would I use if I wanted to know the percentage of people who got an A, B, C, D on their test?
A. Bubble map
B. Concept Map
C. Pie chart
D.Getting into character
What is pie chart
Where do you put supporting details in a 5 paragraph essay?
What is body paragraphs
Whats wrong with this graphic organizer?
no connections
What is a graphic oraganizer
Oragnize information and plan writing.
When making a graphic organizer on Kurzweil what must you have to connect your ideas
What is arrow/line
Which graphic organizer would I use if I wanted to answer the questions "Should people use paper or plastic?"
A. Bubble map
B. Pie chart
C. House
D. Discussion Web
What is discussion web
What do you do when you have a writing block in your introduction paragraph?
Graphic organizer, start body paragraphs or conclusion, research, peer support
What advice would you tell your fellow student about this topic sentence.
The church was nice and had pretty colors.
lacking details, descriptions
What does it mean to infer?
to make a guess based on clues
What are the 3 parts of a graphic organizer in Kurzweil
What is main idea, category, detail, lines
Why should you not write full sentences in a graphic organizer?
What is just write key concepts, a rough draft is for sentences, just taking quick notes
What are 3 ways to write a hook sentence?
What is quotes, interesting fact, question, stats, dialog
What is peer editing?
What is check or look over another's work
What is mythology?
What is story of fiction related to past events
What other features does Kurzweil have?
reads aloud text, internet, highlights
If I wanted to write about the person Harry Potter which graphic organizer would I use?
A. Getting into character
B. Main idea five finger model
C. Venn diagram
D. House
What is getting into character
Whats wrong with this introduction paragraph
It was the best thing I had ever eaten. It tasted good. I wish I could always eat this food its the best. Everyone should try it.
Too short, not specific
What does a good peer editor look for?
What is grammar, meaning, paragraphs, spelling, topic, details