Released in 1980, this film follows Luke Skywalker searching for Yoda to defeat the Sith and Darth Vader
What is Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
This movie started the MCU
What is Ironman
Having no dialouge for 30 minutes, this pixar film is a love story between robots
What is Wall-E
"Mama says, 'Stupid is as stupid does.'" is from this movie
What is Forest Gump
After Andy Dufresne is sent to prison he starts putting his plan to escape into motion
What is The Shawshank Redemption
Releasing in 1987, this film tells the story of Buttercup and her love Wesley
What is The Princess Bride
The first movie to have Thanos at te end of the credits
What is The Avengers
This is the first film made by Disney
What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
"And In Case I Don't See Ya, Good Afternoon Good Evening, and Good Night" is said in this movie
What is The Truman Show
T-800 Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 is sent into the past to kill Sarah Conner before she gives birth to John Conner is the plot for this movie
What is the Terminator
Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson run an extermination bussiness in this film
What is Ghostbusters
The movie released after Avengers: Endgame
What is Spider-Man: Far From Home
Based on the book "The Iron Man" by Ted Hughes, this movie tells the story of Hogarth and his relationship with this machine
What is the Iron Giant
"Dead or Alive, You're Coming With Me" and "Your Move Creep" are said by this character
Who is RoboCop
John McClane stops terrorists during a Christmas party is the plot for this film
What is Die Hard
Sylvester Stalone stars in this 80s war action series
What is Rambo
The first film in Phase Three
What is Captain America: Civil War
Released in 2004, this film starring mike myers is Dreamworks best selling movie
What is Shrek 2
"Well, a boy's best friend is his mother" is a quote said by this character
Who is Norman Bates
After a bratty rich girl gets amnesia a previous employe now claims they are married, and she now finds it hard to believe that she is married to a poor carpenter with 4 kids
What is Overboard
Never Feed Mogwai after midnight, or they will turn into these
What are Gremlins
Hugo Weaving plays the Antagonist in this Marvel Film
What is Capatain America: The First Avenger
This hybrid film is both cartoon and live action with characters like Jessica Rabbit and Bob Hoskins starring as Eddie Valiant
What is Who Framed Roger Rabbit
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine." is from this classic film
What is Casablanca
After Sarah's little brother Toby is taken by Jareth the Goblin King, she must now reach the middle of a maze before time runs out
What is Labyrinth