When is Mrs. Jagpal's birthday?
July 1st
How to add fractions with different denominators?
Find the least common multiple of the denominators, then multiply the numerators, last add the numerators and keep the denominator.
Retirement party maker
Loudest student
What are the names of Mrs. Jagpal's kids?
Nikhil and Nora
What is the fifth period on day threes?
Phys Ed or Health
Has never turned on their camera
Almost never says their name for attendance go but is in front of their camera
What is Mrs. Jagpal's favorite color?
I don't know
What is the most common excuse for not listening?
"I muted the site" "I was in the restroom" "I couldn't hear" "My computer decided to restart"
Has the most pets
Came to class for almost a week and then was never seen again
How long has Mrs. Jagpal been teaching?
18 years
What happened in Ms. Dessureault's class on Wednesday, June 5th that caused the meeting to end almost 15 - 20 minutes late?
Disagreement on who can and can not listen about pride month
Knows the most about AI
Been Co-host the most
What is Mrs. Jagpal's favourite movie?
Silence of the Lambs
Made the best passion projects
Always competing with other students