How many movies are there in the Shrek saga?
What is the nickname of the villain of Coraline?
"The beldam" or "the other mother".
What is the name of the prince in the movie?
Prince Naveen.
What is the name of the town where the story takes place?
San Angel.
What is the name of the thief who helps Rapunzel?
Flynn Rider.
What is Fiona's mother's name?
Queen Lillian is Fiona's mother.
Where were the ghosts' eyes in Coraline?
The ghost eyes were hidden in a ring, a gear lever, and a small ball.
What is the name of the main villain in the movie?
Dr. Facilier or Shadow man.
What should Manolo do to get your life back?
Manolo must face all the bulls that his family had defeated in the past.
Who is the villain in the movie?
Mother Gothel.
What is the name of the villain from the first movie?
Lord Farquaad.
What are the names of the apartments in which the story takes place?
Pink Palace Apartments.
In which city does the story take place?
New Orleans.
Where does the catrina reign?
La tierra de los recordados - Land of the remembered.
What is Rapunzel's dream?
See the floating lights.
Where did fiona and shrek get married?
Sherk's swamp.
What should Coraline do to escape the other world?
Coraline had to find the eyes of the other children who were victims of the other mother and find where her parents were trapped.
What is the name of the restaurant that Tiana opened?
Tiana's place.
Who are the main characters in the movie?
Manolo, Joaquin, Maria, Xibalba, and "la Catrina".
What is Flynn Rider's real name?
Eugene Fitzherbert.