A ripped male in tights with a disc and a ripped man with a metal arm.
Captain America the winter soldier
Tall compare do her friends with black hair and is very sleepy.
snow white
A semi truck and a boy with short curly black hair
Giant lizard
Space jam
A rich man with black hair and a robot.
Avengers age of ultron
Tall woman with black wings and horns
Rich man wears a red and gold suit
Iron man
Small yellow cat looking things
Man with damaged hands and a cloak that thinks for itself
Doctor strange
A tall buff man with short blonde hair. His younger brother with short black curly hair. Their sister with long black hair.
Thor ragnorak
Very small orange and white male
Man from Africa wears a cat suit
Black panther
A man get smaller and larger
Ant man
Cat and mouse
Tom and jerry
Tall purple man
Avengers endgame
Tall cyborg with a black suit
Star Wars 4-6
Tall woman with white hair and ice powers
Average height man with medium length black hair
John wick
Tall ripped man with a yellow and green suit with long hai and a trident
Aqua man
Short woman with red hair
Black widow
Woman with black hair from an island
A man in a red and blue suit and another in red and gold
Captain America civil war
A short man, a tall man, a woman with red hair, and a short roundish man
The rock and a giant gorilla