When she meets the prince she doesn't know it's him
Who is Cinderella
Wins the millennium falcon
Who is Han solo
Bluey buddy
Who is Mia
Batman's side kick
Who is robin
Evil witch with purple hair
Who is mad madam mim
Adventurous sailor
Who is Moana
Green Jedi
Who is Yoda
Bluey's teacher
Who is calipso
Superman's weakness
What is Kryptonite
Octapus lady
Who is Ursula
Army princess
Who is Mulan
Eaten by a sarlac and still lived
Who is boba Fett
Bluey's fairy godmother's name
Who is frisky
Green lantern's weakness
What is the color yellow
Turtle dude with anger issues
Who is Bowser
The people who raised her fight over her dress color
Who is Aurora
This Planet exploded
What is alderon
Stripe's wife
Who is Trixie
Superman's cousin
Who is supergirl
Evil guy in spy kids
Who is fegan floop
Part fish
Who is Ariel
Jedi weapon
What is light saber
Bandit's job
What is archeologist
Speaks to fish
Who is Aquaman
Thor's brother
Who is Loki