I'm weird, i'm a weirdo ......
I don't fit in and I don't want to fit in
I want to be a pretty girl....
Well you're not a pretty girl
what is this
a demogorgon
what was the group with Amanda, Arianne, Rachel and Ryann
The fam
the kids names in this movie are...
Conrad and Sally
she's the weirdo's girlfriend
Betty cooper
This person set a man on fire
Tate langdon
what killed Bob newbie
Demo dogs
Rachel uncle is called
Uncle Chris Evans
aka Uncle Captain America
the title of the song the cat sings in the beginning
fun fun fun
name three of the serial killers
Gargoyle king
penelope blossom
finish the quote
"you're all I want...
"you're all I have"
who has the best hair
Who is Rachel named after
Rachel Greene from friends
who is the man joan is going to marry
Larry Quinn
I drop out in the forth grade to sell drugs for my nana...
Well that means you've haven't experienced the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school football
this girl killed themselves
Violet Harmon
what kind of powers does Eleven have
Who is Ryann's cousin
Bo Horvat
how long is the movie
1h 22m
who is this
Ethel Mugs
who needs a trigger warning
TW Ben harmon
Who has the worst haircut in season three
Is Amanda cool enough
No. that was a trick question she's not
will you hold my dog...
I don't like the word dog. perhaps you could use the canine American