In The Matrix, does Neo take the blue pill or the red pill?
“This is the part where you run away!”
Who was/is the oldest of the cast of friends (real Person not character)
Lisa Kudrow
Phoebe Buffay, Friends
Lisa Kudrow
Who had got their debut acting credit first?
Leonardo Dicaprio or Brad Pitt?
Brad Pitt: cutting class, 1989
Leobardo dicaprio: critters, 1991
What American writer/director starred in several iconic European-produced “Spaghetti Westerns”?
Clint Eastwood
”The problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem, do you understand?”
Pirates of the Caribbean
What causes George Costanza’s wife to die in Seinfeld?
Licking Envelopes
Uncle Jesse, Full House
John Stamos
which came out first?
A knights tale or Fast and Furious?
A knights tale came out on May 11 2001,
Fast and Furious came out June 22, 2001
For what movie did Steven Spielberg win his first Oscar for Best Director?
Schindler’s List
“shut up Grandma, Drink your Prune Juice!!”
What actress lied about her age to get a part in That ’70s Show?
Mila Kunis
Jesse Pinkman Breaking Bad
Aaron Paul
Who had got their debut acting credit first?
Johnny Depp or Angelina Jolie?
Angelina Jolie: looking to get out, 1982
Johnny Depp: Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984
In Risky Business, what song did Tom Cruise famously lip-sync to in his underwear?
“Old time rock n roll” by Bob Seger
“And no I’m not a licensed teacher, but I have been touched by your kids and I’m pretty sure I’ve touched them.”
School of Rock
Who was the youngest person to ever host Saturday Night Live?
Drew Barrymore, at age 7
Pam Beasley/Halpert, The office
Jenna Fischer
Julia Roberts’ first credited acting role or the first instalment of the police academy franchise?
Police academy: March 23 1984
Julia Roberts: Firehouse, 1987
Who played the “Unsinkable” Molly Brown in Titanic?
Kathy Bates
”you are probably the most disgusting human being I’ve ever seen.”
Pitch Perfect
Who starred in Magnum P.I., a popular 80s crime drama?
Tom Sellak
Donizetti, Happy Days
Henry Winkler
Who had got their debut acting credit first?
Susan Sarandon or Steve Martin?
Susan Sarandon: Joe, 1970
Steve Martin: Absent Minded Waiter, 1977