"Why so serious?"
Dark Knight
"Holy mother forking shirt balls!"
The Good Place
"With great power comes great responsiblity."
Two can keep a secret if one is dead.
Pretty Little liars
No worries, that's the way to live
The Lion King
"...Bond. James Bond."
Dr. No
The Big Bang Theory
"My precious."
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
"If you want justice, you've come to the wrong place."
Game of Thrones
To infinity and beyond
Toy Story
"I just wanted to take another look at you."
A Star Is Born
"It's a beautiful day to save lives"
Grey’s Anatomy
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time."
The Fast and the Furious
At least in death you can't disappoint the ones you love.
American Horror Story
"Chewie, we're home."
The Force Awakens
"Jessica, only child, Illinois, Chicago."
"Friends don't lie."
Stranger Things
"This is Sparta!"
Whoever said money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop.
Gossip Girl
"Just keep swimming."
Finding Nemo
"That's my secret, Captain: I'm always angry."
Marvel's The Avengers
"That's what she said."
The Office
"That is so fetch."
Mean Girls
"... then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly."
Breaking Bad
"Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
The Wizard of Oz