How many movies are set in the Marvel cinematic universe?
What movie does the song "Breaking Free" come from?
High School Musical.
In which movie did Han Solo and Luke Skywalker free Princess Leia from the Death Star?
Episode IV - A New Hope
What is Batman's real name?
Bruce Wayne
What is the name of Deadpool’s swords
What is bea arthur
What is the name of Iron Man/Spiderman's assistant?
In The Matrix, does Neo take the blue pill or the red pill?
Red pill
Who is Luke Skywalker's twin sister?
Princess Leia
Who is the Leader of the X-Men?
Professor X
What is hollands favorite place
What is his bed
What is the name of the 1927 short story about a man on ship wreck island
What is the dangerous game
While inside Stark Towers who did Hulk say "Puny god" to while throwing this person around like a rag doll?
What is the highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time?
In 'Episode I,' what did Yoda discover that Anakin possessed, that may lead him to the Dark Side?
Which X-Men has the superpower to heal himself.
What is hollands favorite pair of pants
What is black jeans
What marvel movie made holland cry in the camper so he had to wait 2 weeks to finish it
What is infinity war
Which Avenger does Thor team up with in Thor: Ragnarok?
What is the name of the kingdom where the 2013 animated movie Frozen is set?
Who trained Obi-Wan Kenobi?
Qui-Gon Jinn
Who is Superman married to?
Lois Clark
What is the name of hollands book he is writing
What is our end
What is Tony’s starts dads name
Howard stark
In which film did Black Widow first appear?
Iron Man 2.
Which Alfred Hitchcock thriller is notorious for its shocking “shower scene”?
How many characters (not actors) appear in every one of the six movies?
In addition to R2D2 and C3PO, Both Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Obiwan Kenobi appear in all six "Star Wars" films.
Name 3 members of The Justice League
Batman, Wonder Women, Superman, Green Lantern, Auqaman, Flash, Martian Manhunter
What book is holland currently reading
What is Stephen kings Tommy knockers
Who is hollands 2 favorite x men
Who is dead pool and quicksilver